My Hivewatchers blacklist. Mi disculpa a la comunidad Hive.

in #hivewatchers3 years ago

Buenas a toda la comunidad de hive cometí un error de plagio en un post de leofinance y hago este post para pedir disculpas y que no era mi intencion copiar contenido sino hacer un resumen pero copie y pegue algunos parrafos de estos links: linklink2link3 aun que fueron cortos no era mi trabajo y por eso pase a lista negra en hive, y por eso pido disculpa a la comunidad de hive y obiamente lo hice una y ultima vez, y hago este post para enmendar mi error.

Good morning to the entire hive community I made a plagiarism error in a leofinance post and I make this post to apologize and that it was not my intention to copy content but to make a summary but copy and paste some paragraphs of these links: even though they were short it wasn't my job and that's why I was blacklisted on hive, and that's why I apologize to the hive community and obviously I did it one and last time, and I make this post to amend my mistake

GIf @hivewatchers