Sunny Sunny Christmas

in #holidays6 years ago

All the east coasters are so incredulous about our LA holiday season: "How can you celebrate Christmas in 80-degree weather without snow??!" Newsflash: There are lots of people--outside of like SoCal and Florida--who celebrate the holidays in sunny climes (like the 90-degree weather and like 80% humidity I'm experiencing right now in Chiang Mai, Thailand ).

I, personally, dig warm holidays. Growing up, Christmas was almost always sunny, and I often ran around in a short-sleeved dress. So when it's rainy on Christmas, which has happened like once or twice in my lifetime, I get depressed.

Who's got the last word on Holiday weather, anyway? Charles Dickens? Please. This small-mindedness totally dismisses the experience of the peeps kicking it around the equator and all our friends in the Southern Hemisphere. Let's not be so US/Eurocentric.