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RE: Bullied off chain by Acidyo? Hahahahah downvote bully!

in #holozing3 months ago

Problem is we have people going on financial terrorism down voting sprees and thinking that they are doing something. We have an entire Monopoly here on blockchain and that group now is bullying harassing and destroying blockchain businesses as well as the entire community overall.

Seriously I mean they own the entire blockchain. If you don't suck up to what they say they will simply destroy everything that you've worked on.

These individuals are responsible for destroying our community.

Of course the fact that our entire chance at having Mass adoption has been destroyed by individuals that are just here for control.

Any innovation is stifled with these individuals issuing terroristic threats against the entire community.

After watching massive amounts of my friends get bullied harassed and ran off this website I can say that my leaving is actually going to be very profitable. I mean I do have 7 years worth of hard work and savings they're going to be getting pulled..

And we will see if I completely uproot everything and push on or if I leave a little bit in and continue to hustle as well as trade. I mean I do still have investments here however they are definitely not huge.

I don't know the future is unwritten and I just might enjoy this pretty large pile of rewards!


Presently Hive is the only web3 platform I see that caters to social media messaging. In your case, the decentralization and code for HIVE has proven truly good. Because we can imagine if the downvoters had the power to block and remove your accounts the rest of us would never hear your side of the story. If you decide stay on the platform I am here to support the freedom of you and everyone else.