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RE: Antique Furniture Shopping (+ diy repairs)

in #home9 months ago

The fact that you manage to do all that and still maintain badass nails is beyond me. I cleaned windows yesterday and look like an f-ing tramp xD Also, that store looks pretty cool -- furniture shopping here is either IKEA or bizarre deposits that you might not leave alive. Can't wait to see how this turns out!


Gel overlay is the answer, I do my nails every 2-3 weeks and they stay pretty nice looking if I do it well.

If the store looks like a scene from a crime novel, you KNOW you’ll find something amazing there! It’s nice to browse through a pretty curated antique shop but you’ll be sure to pay triple the price for the sams thing there.

Gel overlay, you say? I feel I have much to learn from you. :O

If the store looks like a scene from a crime novel, you KNOW you’ll find something amazing there!

I think I didn't look hard enough. Too busy worrying about the shifty looking dude coming after us - "There's another store down the alley to the right, you know". We may have made it out. Then again, this might be the shifty dude in question typing, trying to cover his tracks.

you’ll be sure to pay triple the price for the sams thing there.

It's insanity. Some stores are now charging exorbitant prices just for the experience of shopping there - what in the actual fuck, you know?

Gel polish (aka UV/LED cured) and lots of it, so basically these are my natural nails but reinforced with plastic 😁

I’d come to a place like that and make sure I’m the scary one so we could browse in peace 😝

And you do it at home, right? I remember you getting one of them light machines a while back (so sick of having to redo them all the time).

Also, going to some furniture outlet a little later - you've inspired me! :) Thank you.

I’d come to a place like that and make sure I’m the scary one so we could browse in peace 😝

Making me rethink my strategy. Huh. xD