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in #homeschooling4 years ago

I love this. Excellent thinking with the pirate theme!
This is exactly our philosophy - when writing is useful to him, then he does it.
If there is a desire to write, then he will. No pressure.
Same with reading.

You’ve inspired me to do more activities like this! Thanks


thank you so much!!
I am happy I've found support here;)
shopping lists of things he wants - a cool idea you have! I like it!
next step for me - write what you want me to buy in the shop for you;)

Like, for example?

Writing short notes/letters to friends, shopping lists of things he wants.
Copying names of his favourite Pokemon.
Often if he is angry or cross he writes words of how he is feeling or what happened to make him feel that way (when he can’t talk to us)
We do projects here he labels items for props he is going to use.

We try book based activities but he doesn’t engage at all with them.

Oh, OK. Thanks. Here in CZ the focus is very much on nice handwriting, so unfortunately quantity is more important, and by the end of the first year they're expected to know how to write small and capital, printed and handwritten. Basically there is no way I could compete with that at home... 😞

Are the kids happy?

Noooo! Like, they want to go to school, god knows why, I think to be part of that, and some of it is curiosity, but there's resistance to the idea of homeschooling, partly because we don't know too many people here/or have family so they school is their community, for better or for worse. Not my choice. They also go to after-school activities....