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RE: A Permaculture Consultation for A New Garden - My 2nd Suburban Garden - Part 3

in #homesteading6 years ago

Great post. When you bury the wood I would recommend adding a layer of compost or another source of nitrogen. It takes a lot of nitrogen to break down wood and could deplete the soil. A little fish emulsion will help if you see a deficiency... I've been experimenting with the permaculture method myself for almost a year. I watched this back to eden gardening documentary. It has heavy religous undertones and bit of scripture quotes, but very informative, even if that isn't your particular cup of tea. Speaking of tea you should throw some worm castings in a batch of your tea... It works wonders. Your garden looks amazing!


Thanks @dirtyhippie, those are good tips! I did see back to eden some years ago. I am inspired by what he was doing :)

Keep up your hard work. It was a pretty inspiring video.