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in #homesteading3 years ago (edited)

When I finished breastfeeding my kids, I transitioned them over to goat milk via a farmer who was very much wanted it to be seen in a different light than what was being sold at the grocery stores. It really is as close to mothers milk as you can get. I had a brother that was allergic to milk when he was born. They put him on soymilk, which, at the time was pretty gross in baby formula. I have to wonder if goats mild would have worked? (my mom didn't breastfeed him for other reasons)

The cheese is yummy too! I am so happy there are people like you in the world that not only want these things, but, acto on it. I admire you for that. It is such an interesting way of life that you chose and there is so much more to 'homesteading" than merely going organic.

I love goats, especially when they are brand new!!! They are adorable!


Denise that is special. I'm glad you and your children were able to benefit from goats milk. Yes, it is quite amazing that it is so similar to breastmilk. Before the drought I used to do a monthly delivery to the city of an entire trailer of frozen goats milk. 100's of litres. And most of it for lactose intolerant babies.

What's not to love about goats? I have to admit I'm quite passionate about my four legged kids. And yes, brand new "out the box" they are SO much more adorable

Yes!! They are so cuddly and soft. Each time I see one, I want to take it home!!! I could have a hundred by now. OK... a thousand!