Homesteading Adventure

Oftentimes, people project the end of the world as a reaction to the never-ending apocalyptic headlines. As we internalize the impact of doom & gloom we become immerse in its energy; we project the solution to be as dramatic and as tragic as the problem.

I am sharing the firs update of my homesteading journey to challenge individuals to look beyond fear, and inspire others to imagine a new life filled with abundance. First, I have to prove it to myself: All I need is GANAS! When there's a Will there's a Way...

Start with a Smile!

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My beautiful partner (Julianne) and I share a similar vision, and thanks to her abundant spirit & generosity the dream is gradually unfolding. While we still reside near a mid-size city we are not deterred but inspired to maximize our space.

We've been collecting, growing and purchasing heirloom seeds as well as starter plants from the Amish community. Meanwhile, I have been preparing the soil by roto-tilling different areas around our yard and shoveling chicken poop to fertilize the soil.

Julianne adopted a new batch chicks to add to our growing family of chickens. Our ideal is to create an ecosystem which compliments our nutrition, vitality and happiness.

The next challenge is to transplant the healthiest starter plants into the soil, continue to expand the garden space, clean up the chicken coop and collect the castings.

Ultimately, we are expanding our knowledge of medicinal herbs while we grow the garden and prepare to create tinctures, natural body products and store foods for the long-term. For example, Julianne makes Shea Body Butter that works miracles (helped me with my eczema):


To keep the dream alive we find empowerment in expressing gratitude, enjoying the little things and focusing our energy on creating abundance.

Fear based reactions keep us entrained with scarcity and inspires us to take immediate (maybe even desperate) actions. This is a major pitfall of preparedness as a reaction to dystopia which sadly hypnotizes people into fight or flight mode. To transcend this self-imposed limitations we need to cultivate our innate ability to IMAGINE.

Redefining prepper "stoicism" is necessary to outgrow the limited, fear-driven culture which has supplanted the perennial tradition of tilling the land with joy and abundance.

The long-term alternative to the centralization of control is not to bunker-down and stock up but rather to cultivate our energy, our power and authority.