Another One Done - July 27, 2021 @goldenoakfarm

Blue heron in middle pasture1 crop July 2021.jpg

On Monday evening at dusk, I saw the blue heron out hunting in the middle pasture. He caught something as I watched but was too far away for me to see what. I hope it was a mouse.

Blue heron in middle pasture2 crop July 2021.jpg

My camera isn’t good in poor light and my hands aren’t very steady, so I apologize for the poor quality. I don’t often get photos of wildlife, so I put these up anyways.

New South - planted crop July 2021.jpg

On Tuesday morning I got out early and got the New South garden planted. I’m down to 2 trays in the cold frame, mostly shade loving plants for east and north gardens.

It was another humid, very hot day so I decided to get the mowing done even if the dew was still heavy on the grass. I had to do the push mowing this time, as it wasn’t done last time. I spent a lot of time unplugging catcher chutes as neither is removable. After 3 hours it was done, for another week, and before the rain comes Tuesday night.

On Wednesday my intern will be here and we will be working on the pantry. It’s supposed to rain all day. I got lots of thumbtacks, so we can finish the parts I started on Sunday and move onto the other shelves.


Nice big bird!! My mobile phone would never get this bird!

I have them at my place for the first time. They were eating crawdads.