
Byron Katie's work is so simple but so profound. I must remember to use it more often. Though up till now I had thought of her work as questioning the truth within the movie, compared to A Course in Miracles which suggests you ask if the whole movie is real.

Yes...both ask you to question but I think we get to choose how we apply the questions :) I enjoyed reading a course in miracles many many years ago. I forgot about that book...Another I love is Johnathan Seagull.

It's many decades since I read Johnathan Livingstone Seagull, I must have another look.

Very well articulated. I love reading your work. Bravo!

The feeling is mutual my friend...I think you will like my next post...a topic we haven't discussed much but that we share much perspective on. I enjoyed your last two also :)

Good post it seems very interesting to me everything I read, incredible keep it up, so here you have all my support, hopefully you could read my last post!

Thank-you. I am glad you enjoyed :)

Hey, when are you going to name the winner of the calf contest?

Hey there...the 27th is the closing day :)