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RE: Apocalyptic Homesteading (Day 199-223 )

in #homesteading3 years ago

The only thing that seems to help the dogs is loud music and/or having something to hide under like a table or bed. This cabin does pretty good at blunting the sound but when I am outside working and its thundering, or there are fireworks, or explosions, or gunshots or all of those things at once... all the dogs huddle in the solar shack where the music is blasting and are noticeably much calmer so that setup has been working out well also.

Yeah, the big open slats in the pallet are too much for my big dog's good sense but at this point I have already solved that by fastening some OSB strips to the top of the pallet in front of the door. Before there was not enough room to do so without the door hitting it but now that the pallet has settled into place there is just enough room to do so.

I love you too.