YOUTUBE Creators Get RICK ROLLED - YT Is Never Gonna Let You Down

Never Gonne Give You Up

Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

But Youtube this past week did just that telling hundreds of thousands of creators that they no longer qualify for monetization or the Youtube Partner Program.


▶️ DTube

I heard about that. All they are going to do is drive a bunch of content creators over to Dtube. They are arrogant enough to think they have a monopoly and can control the entire space. They don't.

They are trying to compete with Netflix. They don't realize that they would compete better by letting people loose on their platform.

Exactly, what made YouTube so dominant in the first place was that there was no censorship and for awhile at least it was easy to build an audience and make some money.

I think they know exactly what they are doing though. They are just too arrogant to realize that they aren't invincible.

Let us all hope that in the years to come that DT does not follow in the path of YT!!

I was starting to wonder about your other channel and I see you posted something yesterday. I’m surprised you haven’t moved that one over here too.

They have age restricted a lot of those videos. But N2T has never been about earning money. But I am looking for alternatives.

True, I remember you saying that in a video before. One reason I actually joined steemit was that I don’t have any other social media accounts. So if I had a question, I thought I could find an appropriate post somewhere on here to ask. And I’m so glad I joined!

Up to this point, DTube didn't ever seem to work on our computer, so we were reluctant to make the switch. But today, suddenly, it seems to work fine. We might be heading over here, too!

C'mon over! :-)

RICK ROLLED!! haha, I remember when that started showing up! And yes Zac it is a perfect fit for what is going on. I'm sure you don't miss them anymore!!!

Beep! Beep! @shadow3scalpel at your service. I am here to assist all military members on Steemit. This HumVee will be scouting posts from a list of Veterans that is maintained by @chairborne. If you are a Veteran and new to Steemit, and you have questions or want to join the Veterans community, reply to this comment. We got your six, unless you are in the rear with the gear. Ooh-Rah!
Comment by @inthenow. This is a opt-in bot.

You Tube is a mere shadow of its former glory. Typical progressive ideology: "The elite overlords know what is best for the unwashed masses."
BTW thanks for cranking up the way-back machine, I graduated high school in 1987. Good old Ricky was everywhere back then.

YouTube has become a pathetic platform. It is sad what they have done. I hope the heavy hitters start leaving as well. The don’t deserve to stay operational. Great post.

Thanks youtube! my steem will be worth way more when everyone leaves youtube for Dtube.

Yep big boy commy tube glad you are on Steemit now.

I was hit by this new policy to.
I uploaded a video on Wednesday to try and get my subscribers to make the switch to Dtube / Steemit. I'm gonna be making a push to promote dtube with some automotive advertising soon :)

Every cloud has a sliver lining :)

Great video and explanation of what youtube is doing to people.
Resteeming and sharing on fb.👍

That's okay. They can come on over to Dtube! We are much more friendly and we don't censor content! will welcome them in

I still don't understand how that deep man's voice comes out of that little boy. I suspect that Youtube "gave up" on the White House's Youtube channel and "let down" their subscribers. Over 1 Million subs and only a few hundred or eventually thousands views? The official White House Youtube channel? "Never gonna let you down." Really? Have they been SHADOWBANNED? Just wait until the Trump discovers blockchain. Steemit would explode if Trump started posting on dtube. The culture war would follow after him. @ironshield

I wrote a post about the WH possibly Shadow-banned here:

I got the ‘Dear John’ letter from YouTube myself. My ad revenue is at $96. Guess I’ll probably never see that . . .

i enjoy your post! thanks

This was the final straw for us. We had already put YouTube on thin ice when they started their censorship of quality, education, conservative content, but this is our breaking point. By their technical guidelines, we were just 30 subscribers below their (current) threshold, and could probably surpass that in time to remain monetized, but NO! We will not continue this. We are moving our content to Dtube now, and all non-Steemit or non-Bashing-YouTube videos will be deleted. >:-)

YouTube shut my channel down :( without any notice even though we followed all the guidelines the best we understood them. I guess they think my gardening videos are too "dirty" :). Anyway I have moved here and bringing my subscribers with me