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RE: Apocalyptic Homesteading (Day 428)

in #homesteading2 years ago (edited)

The last couple of years have pretty much paved the way to making people feel cagey. Paranoia is an unsurprising result and like you say, you aren't the only in that position, but it doesn't help knowing that.

generally behaving like something they saw in a movie or television show is about to happen...

Which is likely because that's the only kind of guide they have on preparing for catastrophe.

Sounds like you're in a bit of a catch 22 position, productivity helps your mental state, but you've got to tend to your physical state as well. I'm glad the food production planning helps a bit. Hope you get some good nutritious meals in you soon, and some kinder weather.


That is so true about it being "the only kind of guide they have..." I just wonder if they know how fictitious that stuff is. Anyway, I totally get the point you are making and it is a very good one.

Yeah, it is a catch twenty-two and its a tricky one to escape. I finally went on a supply run (my first since like October) so I got some of that sorted out and can hopefully get back to working outdoors soon once this bad weather blows over.

P.S. Thanks for the kind sentiment.

That's good news. Now for some good weather news. 🤞

There is one good day of weather tomorrow so I better make use of it!