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RE: I am Human

in #hopelast year

Watching (or hearing) your own heart rate on a machine is a confronting experience, particularly when you don't know why you're hearing about - you realise just how fragile your life is. :)


Yes, I always waited until I heard the next beat..... just to make sure..... it's a tad unsettling.

But I will say right before surgery, mine does speed up while I hope they make sure I am really asleep before they start. :D

Good thing for me I always was.

Thank you for your wonderful comment!

The thing that was the worst was when I was having an ultrasound done on my heart. Hearing all the "other sounds, apart from the beat (the blood rushing through the valves) etc; was really quite ... scary.

Yeah, that is not a lot of fun, either. Been there.

But then getting an ultrasound on your belly and hearing another heartbeat is beautiful IF you are a woman..........

Scary IF you are a man. Okay, that would be more than scary.....But they can just do an ultrasound again on your heart when you stop screaming after hearing the heartbeat. See, always a brightside!

My food baby always has a heart beat. It just is never ultrasound heard.