
Oh I will, I will say I posted something over in you know where (that is a link to my FB profile ha ha ha)
There are links at the bottom of your posts where you can share directly TO your FB profile @janton

That's true, I just never took much notice of those because I'm not on fb or twitter. Are you on twitter or reddit as well?

I have accounts in both places. Can't stand reddit though, and I almost never go to my twitter account.
I used to routinely share my posts from Tsū to Twitter, but I haven't been bothering with Steemit, seems like it can't find my account or something.

There is this new #posh thing going around (Proof Of Sharing) where that #posh is a link to twitter where you've shared your post.
I have no idea why that should be of value to spend our time jumping though even more hoops.

Oh wow, no I don't like jumping through hoops. lol. And you can't earn anything on twitter or reddit can you?

Good Morning @janton, I hope you rested well.
No, reddit nor twitter pay for posting, nor does FB for that matter, but I have over 1400 friends and followers there. I've been doing the "Suckabug two step" since about 2003 (Suckabug = Zuckerberg, the idiot who founded FB and can't afford a decent haircut)
So I just can't turn my back over there. As much as I hate it, I know when I've received a PM, (private message) I can see my newsfeed (if I want, now steemit has done away with the newsfeed) etc etc... my brothers and sisters and most of my friends could never POSSIBLY hope to navigate through the madness that steemit and the other front ends have become. of the richest men in the world can't afford a decent haircut! lol..that's hilarious. I understand. Well, lots of people tell me they're just on steemit for friends and a social life so it makes sense. At least fb is user friendly.

At least fb is user friendly

I don't know about that @janton. I got up this morning, and for the first several hours my newsfeed wouldn't show me but 3 posts, max. If I refreshed, it acted like I was new to FB and starting a new account
It had returned to normal by lunch time, but I checked with some groups and there were hundreds of others reporting the same thing