in #humans7 years ago


Human RACE.

They stand there praying for a "GOD" to save them. Like as if by some magical way they will be saved by doing so.
Has your "GOD" stoped mass murder of countless millions of people around the world. Nope.
What about natual disasters, Nope. Has your "GOD" helped you find a wealth, Nope.

It's time for figure it out. There is no savior coming. So get your sorry ass up and start acting. If you want
to help change this world for you and others it's time to act and move. Our actions are what it will take to change the

This earth has been destroyed a number of times already and thus the reason for the mandela effect. Ok am not going to go
any further down that path because already I know 80% think that's F'n bonkers.

My message am trying to convey here though is solid, STOP praying. Your GOD is not going to save any of us. It's us who can save
us and nothing short of that is going to do it.

So ACT now and go out there and start doing loving kind acts that are going to change this world for the better.

Here is what the elite want.

They want clones, people to eat meat becauas it lowers our frequencies and to bring transhumanisum into this reality of ours.


Don't eat GMO food.
Don't use thier wealth sytem as much as possible.
Pay them as little as possible without putting your self in harms way.
Try to break away from technology as much as possible and get back to enjoying nature again.

They are trying to turn us all into mindless robots. WAKE THE F..K UP!!!

WE ARE HUMANS, Time to start showing them that we are not going down without a fight.

At some point am going to start working on a project to start a civilization where a group of us will be able to start our own
coloney free of the control system.

I will start posting about this project soon.

May you all continue to do well. I love the human spirit and hope we can keep that alive.


Thanks for sharing... Love it.

Laugh Out Fucking Loud, I would like to say we shall speak again when you're dead but hey...

And none of this is God's fault

Don't eat GMO food.
Don't use thier wealth sytem as much as possible.
Pay them as little as possible without putting your self in harms way.
Try to break away from technology as much as possible and get back to enjoying nature again.

Its human ignorance

If you believe there is a God am not telling you to stop believing in it. I think your missing my point. "God" is not going to save us. It's us who can save us, no one and nothing short of that will do so. It's up to us and time to stop praying to a "GOD" to do so for us.