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RE: If you're chicken over bills at the first of the month, here's a perfect mailbox for you!

in #humor3 years ago

I canceled all my memberships to any company who supported or endorsed the risks of a virus that killed less than 3% of humanity.

I am saving over $500 a month after Netflix, Xbox Live, Sony Online, YouTube Pro and a fre more socialist fuctard companies.

Its so nice to know I will never need them again, and I hope they all go bankrupt for promoting bad science and trying to guilt trip me about "in it together when I work from home in isolation regardless of the pandemic. Humanity is the disease here with its pseudo-capitalism. I'm not going to endorse permission to use my character like a strawman who needs assistance.


I dumped them all myself, so I'm Not worried about bills myself either.

When we get to the homestead, we will be running on solar and wind power, so I will tell the power company to kiss off. We will make our own water, fire the gas company, and fire the electric company! Then I will concentrate on growing all our food and medicine....


Thats my next goal too, self sustainable living.

Still a lot more to do, but the storage (shipping) container will go in soon. Then the equipment can move in, so I can start the wallipini (half buried) greenhouse and plumbing trenches. That will allow the earth battery to go in, so I can harvest ground heat and cooling.

We are a mile from this, so the well will need to be about 80 foot deep.


Keystone lake is a hydroelectric power dam with 450,000 surface acres, give or take....

We paid cash for the land, so all Iack is finishing up, LOL!

The race is on, can I finish before they spend the dollar into oblivion? That is the trillion dollar question....
