HIGH LEVEL INSIDER AMA from 4Chan transcripts ... easy to read, not in 4Chan form.... PART 4: 7/11/16 (2)

in #hundredthmonkey8 years ago (edited)

I'm transcribing these AMA sessions from HLI on 4chan.

This is not because I'm necessarily subscribing to every word or believing it without question, but it was more compelling than any AMA I've seen in a long time. It takes a long time to read them on 4chan so I thought this might be quicker for busy people to get at the content.

He says some pretty heavy shit along the ride. Obama = Osama, Clinton blackmail/pedo/cocaine dealing/9-11, he even says Hillary's campaign logo is symbolic of her pride behind closed doors over 9/11.

He wholly ignores the maelstrom of racist shitposters on 4chan - but if one of them does have an intelligent question underneath the epithets, he will skip over the offensive language and answer the question.

He starts later posts with mysterious photos - for example, the spooky Bank of America mural in Charlotte, NC and Plato's Allegory of the Cave, plus many more. I'm including those in the transcripts. He refers to his organization as Three and is completely non-racist on all fronts (unlike FBIanon). It's compelling stuff when you dig through it. I wanted to see if anyone is as fascinated as I am.

I'll stop cutting and pasting the above after a few more threads.

7.11.2016 (2)

HLI: Hello /pol/and. I'm here to help point you in the right direction. Questions?

gif titled TheEnterprise.gif

/pol/: Is Janet Reno relevant to what we're looking at or is she old news?

HLI: Janet has a pretty sordid past you might find interesting.

Maybe start with her involvement with Eric Holder in OKC.

/pol/: high level insider regarding what?

trump? shillary? both?

HLI: Higher than that. Think Illuminati, although we don't actually use that name.

/pol/: Any relation between the current courthouse shooting and the assassination of Seth Rich?

HLI: The lesson you should take from events like Seth Rich is that good intent is worthless without good plans.

You guys do a good job of questioning what you are told in a detail oriented fashion, but not in the abstract.

You need to emerge from your indoctrination into the real world and appreciate principles of reality such as the law of the jungle.

/pol/: Are you aware of any turmoil planned for the DNC or RNC? If so, is there anything we, as the internet hate machine, can do to prepare or prevent?

HLI: You can expect an intensification of strategies of tension in the immediate future. While I know Trump is a bit more popular than Clinton here, the fact remains that very few people like either of them. This is a problem for your regime.

/pol/: Are the Clintons Satanists? Why do they kill chickens in the name of Moloch? Why is there a temple on Epstein's Orgy Island?

HLI: No.

They primarily exercise power on the principle of intimidation.

Their behavior that might make you think "mystery school" is primarily focused on creating mystery - confusion, unsure minds, and therefore unsure challengers.

/pol/: Hello. Thank you.

Is it a good idea to look at the superdelegates that have pledged their loyalty to Clinton in the dem primary?

Do you have a timeline for the public release of information on any investigation into the Clinton Foundation?

Why did Comey perjure himself before Congress? Is it justified somehow?

Is the media working to actively undermine this investigation by posting unsavory articles to tickle the sentiment of conspiracy theorists and alienate other interested parties?

Are there any sources who are willing to blow the whistle on the record?

HLI: Comey does not have the authority to challenge Clinton on the email server question.

It was state sanctioned to intentionally leak a combination of information and disinformation.

Don't interpret this as an apology for the behavior. The Clintons always use state sanction to cover their ass, justified or not.

/pol/: What can we expect from Sanders and Clintons joint appearance? Has the candidate been read in on any of this information?

What are the chances of Sanders being made aware? He is the popular candidate, regardless of his amicability in this forum--and seems to be the only chance for national cohesiveness. What does his candidacy have to do with this, I anything?

HLI: Sanders is fatally flawed in the sense that much of what you guys do is. You can only get so far by asking for things; taking them is the way of the real world.

/pol/: If you're not catholic you are a disinformation agent.

Event then if you are supposedly catholic renounce masons and the masonic order or you again are there for an implanted mason in the church out to ruin the one true faith of God in Christ as yet anot her disinformation agent.

OP image is prince William the true antichrist.

Out of my way produstant herattics and vile new age witches.

A warrior of God is crusading and nothing can stop him that is flesh.

HLI: Perhaps you should formulate related questions. Your concerns are not unimportant, but are somewhat misguided.

/pol/: Is there enough incriminating evidence already for the anon investigation to be primarily a matter of exposure?

HLI: One of the problems you will encounter attempting to 'expose' the Clintons is that their actual accomplishments are secret but, if made public, would find some support - if you are unable to articulate how they were in fact a long con.

It is the multilayered reality that few of you perceive that is at the root of your problem.

/pol/: Are you implying that if we can't dig up anything NEW, the investigation is pointless?

We're just autists on here putting information in one place, we can't just magically turn into 2 years of FBI investigation overnight.

HLI: You need both new tactics and new abstractions.

Most of what I see here is "LOL EVIL" but if you step back and think for a moment surely you will come to the conclusion that you've been fed this line by nefarious actors that don't want you to see the big pictures.

I'm not saying you'll arrive at a less condemning conclusion either.

/pol/: Putting yourself in /pol/'s shoes, are you the bad guys, or the good guys?

HLI: We are on your side, but not everyone is.

/pol/: How is the Sun tied up in all of this.

HLI: The Son teaches you to see multiple interpretations of the same stimulus.

/pol/: Then maybe give us something substantial and we'll go from there. This has only been going on a little over a week and even normies had no fucking clue the Clinton Foundation ever existed until 3ish days ago.

You're contradicting yourself if you're saying the LOL EVIL line is fed to us while what the Clintons did was largely a money laundering/power scheme, which technically is evil to all of us shitheads who can't even get an internship.

Are you on their side?

What use are you to us if the best you have are cryptic responses to dig deeper?

HLI: Look at the Bush/Clinton cocaine dealing.

At first you think, aha, pure evil.

When you learn more, you see that much of the profit was laundered into Russia to topple the USSR.

Now you have people who laud Reagan and the collapse of the USSR, but hate the Clintons very confused - the Clintons had more to do with USSR collapse than Reagan ever did.

But, you all agree that the American public reaped no peace dividend from this - so was it an accomplishment after all?

You have to peel back many layers here, not just surface cons.

/pol/: Why exactly do you need us, then? If your "group" some high tier secret society shit can't alone win this "war" I question how powerful and capable you guys really are if you're relying on some shitposters for the vanguard.

P.S. Are you the Thule guy?

HLI: We don't need you. We want you.

/pol/: OP how much time do we have to prepare for the happening?

If I become a freemason now do I increase my survival rate?

Do I have time to finish school? I need 2-3 years to finish my bachelors degree to become a forensic scientist. (have two associate degrees now.)

Ok when is the master mason date on the Georgia guide stones? is it in aug or the next date?

Is there another side to the Illuminati other then zionism?

IE esoteric nazism.

When will we see the ships in the skys?

HLI: Define the happening.

Yes and no - you might encounter more severe consequences for overstepping than you would otherwise, but less severe consequences for understepping than otherwise.


There is no master plan following strict dates.


When you build them.

/pol/: explain the black sun fully OP.

And the cube of Saturn.

No riddles.

HLI: Teaches you to see multiple interpretations of the same stimulus.

/pol/: What can we do to beat the Clintons?

Obviously we cannot investigate at the same level as the federal bureau of investigation. Are we meant to bring awareness to the masses using our knowledge in psyops and general meme making?

HLI: The FBI is more constrained than you are, not less.

/pol/: Why was Seth rich killed? No motives or witnesses and the TOD being 4am smells like a hit.

Please tell me more about the long con. Are they a tool to set certain events in place, controlled opposition, or both?

HLI: All of these things are setup with multiple levels of explanation, in part to control opposition.

It's only necessary that you partially accept one to go quietly. You become dangerous when you see through them all.

/pol/: How high profile are we now? Are we being discussed by major government agencies? Do you have any information on how effective we have been in getting the word out? Any suggestions on how we can be better at getting this information to the public?

HLI: Your regime is increasingly concerned with its inability to control you, and they are right to be.

/pol/: Why?

HLI: Self-interest. It's not a zero sum world.

/pol/: Is Pope Francis an "Illuminati" plant? Is Catholicism just an ancient PsyOp? Are there mysteries that the "Illuminati" still has not figured out about the nature of reality?

HLI: He's not one of us.

The church does more to suppress truth than spread it.


/pol/: Did brexit throw a spanner in the works of globalism, or was this anticipated?

HLI: Brexit is loading the barrel for another financial crisis. You always want a loaded gun even if you don't pull the trigger.

/pol/: I understand being a wizard allows to speak in such a way. But for non-natives, could you go over what you said in a concise and clear way? What is happening? Are we all doomed? How can we trust you?

HLI: Consider the tale of the emperor who has no clothes.

When everyone fails to point out that the emperor is naked, new generations arise that can no longer distinguish between the states of being clothed or naked.

You've reached a point where even your leaders don't know what they are doing anymore.

We are here to bring you back to sanity.

/pol/: The sandusky sex scandal seems to point to a larger ring of human trafficking. Is this a separate issue or will it point to people we need to dig into

HLI: All of these things should be regarded as part of a broader modus operandi of blackmail. Sufficiently expansive blackmail networks confer short-term stability to systems of governance. They tend to degrade the quality of governance over the long-term, however.

/pol/: Is white Europe going to be gone forever soon? Will the immigration be stopped before it's too late? Why do you all want Europe and white people powerless and gone?

Also, is the Kolbrin legit? Is gnostcism legit? Identity Christianity legit?

HLI: We are not a racial organization or interested in racial strife.

All religion to the extent that it is meaningful must be interpreted esoterically. Do you think a virgin birth is literal? No, of course not. It's so silly that it is meant to provoke you to question what the symbolism could be.

/pol/: Define sanity.

We're not trusting the globalists if that's what you want.

Yeah, sustainable living and Medical Cities and keeping everyone in one place is all nice to you, but we also know not going along with it means we just get killed off earlier.

Who specifically do you want us to trust?

HLI: We want you to embrace reason, not a personality. Personalities are tools for the dimwitted.

/pol/: What are some important questions about the nature of reality that the "Illuminati" is still struggling with desu senpai?

Is Hiroyuki Nishimura an "Illuminati" plant?

HLI: An important question for us is whether or not it is possible to sustain civilization indefinitely. The answer isn't as obviously no as you might think.

It's important in making assessments about the importance of stability versus experimentation.

/pol/: Is Soros in your ranks?
If so, who buys him doughnuts?

HLI: No.

/pol/: This guy is a confused Freemason.

HLI: Not personally, but most of them wouldn't know that I wasn’t.

/pol/: So the "Illuminati's" intellectual concerns primarily have to do with governance?

HLI: We're concerned with permanence, not so much governance. Governance is a derivative concern of permanence.
/pol/: The father is on earth, yes?

HLI: Yes

/pol/: Are seventh dimensional light beings real?

If so, are they the result of human attempts to time travel and have an impact on history to change their fate?


/pol/: Christianity/Islam/etc. claim that we can get permanence after we die if we live a certain way. Has the "Illuminati" definitively determined that this is a meme and so you are looking for a technical solution to extend life or is it still indeterminate, Illuminatinigger?

HLI: The afterlife myths of religions are more properly termed second life realities that are experienced here on Earth - your rebirth into a truly conscious being.

We're interested in a technical solution, yes. Closer than you might think.

/pol/: How high does your midichlorian count have to be in order to be accepted into your foundation

Do you have allegiance to any country?

HLI: The force must be strong with you, no doubt.

The USA is our project to a large extent.

/pol/: Ok, assuming you are real -

What can I, just another man on this rock, do to best ensure my family's survival, mine, and if possible community/nation?
I get that we should focus on doing our best here to research and and disseminate information. And personally, I've taken to reading and studying more topics, to broaden my understanding. But is there anything specific I should do? To perhaps not only survive, but thrive as well?

HLI: You need to become a magician. Expand the boundaries of the possible.

Learn to think clearly. What problems do you have? Are they root causes or the result of something else?

It takes significant effort to back out the way you really feel about the world, but necessary action becomes clearer as your thoughts do the same.

/pol/: Are Bioviva's works actually going to be made publicly available, or are they going to be kept in the circles of the power elite?

Is there an active movement to stop this service from reaching a large amount of people?

HLI: Yes and yes - although not by us.

/pol/: What do you call yourselves?
Brotherhood of the Snake?

How important is Alchemy?

HLI: Our name is three.

/pol/: I bet you're MJ12

HLI: More majestic than twelve.

/pol/: What can I do to help make sure this gets out?

Are there going to be any qualifications for treatment other than the ability to afford it?

HLI: Unfortunately a lot of people who do good work in this area are being assassinated.

You can see how it is classified as a national security concern even trivially. Obviously initial stages will expand geriatric population as a proportion of the whole before extending productive lifespan. This creates serious allocation issues in the current system.

/pol/: Would it be palatable to limit treatment to those who don't have offspring?

HLI: Doubtful, but we don't assess any any need for this anyway. We have technical solutions to apparent problems like overpopulation.

/pol/: How are your people in the "respect for human life and dignity" area?

HLI: We want to see life flourish.

We are not freedom ideologues, however. Suppose you could build a nuclear bomb at home for little expense - would it be prudent to allow public discussion of the means in a world filled with so many would do so?

We think not.

/pol/: Thank you.

Any suggestions on how to aid me in search of higher self-awareness/'enlightenment'?

Also, unrelated but, how many "factions" with any amount of real power are vying for control? Up until recently, if I gave any thought to this, I imagined one overbearing conspiracy ala Book of Revelations

HLI: There are about 4 or 5 significantly different camps in terms of esoteric ideology.

In terms of actual exercise of worldly power, the world is even less hegemonic.

/pol/: Where can I find literature on your organization?

HLI: You won’t.

/pol/: What is your race/ religion?

What do you know about Area 51?

Are Ayy LMAOs real?

HLI: Caucasian. Not sure there is well-defined vocabulary in the public domain for the second answer.

I've actually been involved in some related work. No aliens.

/pol/: How can I learn more, then?

HLI: Ask questions.

/pol/: What is the validity of "Jesus Christ", is he semantic misinterpretation of scripture?

HLI: Actual person existed. Did not literally emerge from the womb of a virgin or anything like that of course. There is a lot to learn from the symbolism of the story.

/pol/: I'm guessing your organization (or whatever) is invite only? No one can "apply" in a sense?

HLI: We don't have a website to submit your resume, no. Applying yourself is likely to get our attention however.

/pol/: Of what import is material wealth to you?
How is your group organized/orchestrated/able to affect change?
Explain alchemy.
When you say become a magician, you mean magick?
What is your IQ?
How did you become a member of your group, or must you be born into it?
Do you have any plans regarding population differences in ability and intelligence?
How do your goals differ from those of your opponents? Do you have opponents?
How correct is the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis?(or are they something else)
Where did we come from?
How would the world differ for the average person if you accomplish everything you want? Would there even be average people?
Who teaches or reveals or instructs your group's "curriculum"? What is the information you have, and how would we go about learning it?
And what would one need to become in order to be a serious asset (even a needed asset) to your group?
Do you have allies? Subordinates? Commanders? How much hire above you does it go? Do you know?
How can you be sure of anything you believe you know?

HLI: >Of what import is material wealth to you?

We don't diminish the value of material enjoyment, and of course you need some minimum material wealth to sustain your life, provide time to think, grow, etc. It matters a lot.

How is your group organized/orchestrated/able to affect change?

We primarily use the power of ideas, but not always. Our organization is primarily vested in the preservation of knowledge and forum for discussion that might not go over well in public.

When you say become a magician, you mean magick?

I didn't mean this literally. More like magic is indistinguishable from sufficiently advanced technical skill.

What is your IQ?

Sufficiently far from the mean that the number no longer means anything - several standard deviations out.

How did you become a member of your group, or must you be born into it?


Do you have any plans regarding population differences in ability and intelligence?

We think that memes like idiocracy have some merit, but are overblown in the context of current and reasonably expected technological advancement that will reverse the trend.

How do your goals differ from those of your opponents? Do you have opponents?

There are a couple of factions in the world that have always believed in preserving a knowledge gap. We are opposed to that.

How correct is the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis?

There is no evidence in support of this.

Where did we come from?

Don't know.

How would the world differ for the average person if you accomplish everything you want?

We don't have an "end game" per se.

Would there even be average people?

The formulation of this question is lacking. We could say yes without saying anything at all, right? By definition.

Who teaches or reveals or instructs your group's "curriculum"? What is the information you have, and how would we go about learning it?

Often it is passed through families, but not exclusively by any means.

And what would one need to become in order to be a serious asset (even a needed asset) to your group?

We don't lack needed assets in any significant sense.

Do you have allies? Subordinates? Commanders? How much hire above you does it go? Do you know?

We make concerted efforts, but not always unanimously. There is no strict command hierarchy.

How can you be sure of anything you believe you know?

The best you can do is examine the evidence.

/pol/: Does the US or any other country have access to a working weather machine and are they utilizing it?

HLI: Weather can be manipulated. Arbitrarily so? No.

/pol/: Is everyone not part of the organization screwed in regards of WW3 thingy?

Why is pol allowed to exist?

is xenogears right?

Is my country going to end up split up into pieces?

Are there 2 sides or is it all the simes having an argument on something?

Is it necessary for good to exist evil to be and i mean in a it must happen way?

Isn't being part of something bigger like a brick in a wall defeatism and at the same time a paradox?

HLI: >Is everyone not part of the organization screwed in regards of WW3 thingy?

We don't consider that a desirable eventuality by any means.

Why is pol allowed to exist?

Why wouldn't it be?

Are there 2 sides or is it all the simes having an argument on something?

There are more than two materially different factions in the world.

Is it necessary for good to exist evil to be and i mean in a it must happen way?

We don't believe in conducting evil as part of some rationalization along these lines, but there are those who do.

/pol/: How do you overcome barriers that prevent you from applying yourself? I'll get an hour of pure uninhibited productivity a week, and then no motivation for the rest.

HLI: Depends on the barriers.

/pol/: My 3rd question, what magical powers are within the realm of attainability given one is of “divinity"?

HLI: Consider how much technology has advanced in the last 100 years.

There is far more than this currently available, but not put to use. The potential we have now, today, would blow your mind.

/pol/: Also, how "legitimate" is your organization? Or is it more like the loosely assembled book club of conspirators in the x files?

Use a metaphor to explain how your group differs from the Build-A-Burgers?

HLI: We use force against others from time to time. Not just a book club by any means.

/pol/: How does "three" regard the use of mind expanding drugs?

HLI: I've personally used several dozen different psychoactive substances.

The outcome isn't always good. Be reasonable about what you are doing.

/pol/: How advanced is AI technology? Was (((quantum physics))) a PsyOp to set back Soviet research? Was Elon Musk recruited by the "Illuminati" after applying himself? What's the deal with his divorce/remarriage/divorce to the same woman: is it an elaborate tax evasion/money laundering/Clinton Foundation donation scheme, or even at your elite level cuckoldry by women is a problem?

HLI: >How advanced is AI technology?

Not very close to closing the gap between what humans can do and it cannot.

Very sophisticated and useful for much more tractable problems.

Was (((quantum physics))) a PsyOp to set back Soviet research?

No. There are real observable, repeatable quantum phenomena.

Was Elon Musk recruited by the "Illuminati" after applying himself? What's the deal with his divorce/remarriage/divorce to the same woman: is it an elaborate tax evasion/money laundering/Clinton Foundation donation scheme, or even at your elite level cuckoldry by women is a problem?

As a technologist, he is a horrid distraction.

As to your other line of inquiry, you're very aware. You'll find many cases of companies being created and promoted by groups specifically to fund other enterprises. Another obvious example is Uber getting a free pass from municipalities that you wouldn't otherwise expect. These things are allowed to fund other projects.

/pol/: Hi again.

You do understand that many people do not see those in your position as benevolent, right? You understand why?

You speak of blackmail webs. How does one avoid them?

You state that your group is opposed to the preservation of a knowledge gap, but your own statements about home built nuclear weapons seems to work in direct opposition to that view. Care to explain?

You state that financial collapses are viewed as tools to be used. Are you aware of the lives you risk for such fun and games?

I don't think I like you or your little group; you sound like you want to be the overlords of us all. I'm from a family that fought the first revolution for the idea of freedom. Many in the US are preparing to do that again. As time goes on, it seems more and more necessary. Can you just leave us and our freedom be, or will you continue to meddle in our economy and government?

HLI: >You do understand that many people do not see those in your position as benevolent, right? You understand why?

We are aware of this.

You speak of blackmail webs. How does one avoid them?

Often, if you seek power, you will be framed even if you do not engage in blackmail worthy behavior.

If this doesn't work and you are sufficiently threatening, you will be executed.

If you want to exercise power in the world, you must abide by reality, and therefore the law of the jungle. If you can't wave a big stick, don't threaten a big animal.

You state that financial collapses are viewed as tools to be used. Are you aware of the lives you risk for such fun and games?

We don't do this or encourage it, but it does happen.

/pol/: How much of our world history is misunderstood or misrepresented for what it really is? And for that matter how significant is the past as a ressource for learning more and better understanding the larger picture?

Is there any particular short term scenario we as a species would be unprepared to handle?

HLI: >How much of our world history is misunderstood or misrepresented for what it really is? And for that matter how significant is the past as a ressource for learning more and better understanding the larger picture?

The grasp of history is pitiful and the importance almost impossible to overstate.

Is there any particular short term scenario we as a species would be unprepared to handle?

Mankind is woefully unprepared for a wide variety of possibilities. Something simple like a major solar storm could devastate civilization and it is only a matter of time. We could list problems like this all day long. Consideration of even one really puts things into perspective when you have some miscreant telling you that the public dialogue is meaningful.

/pol/: What do you say insider.
God, Creator or The universal mind?

Do you guys have the technology to give someone a genetic sex change? Like they'd still be the same person just the opposite sex version. If so, hypothetically speaking, how much would a person have to pay for such a service?

HLI: Yes.

/pol/: Are you using right now?

HLI: No.

/pol/: Also... When you say "preservation of a knowledge gap" and that you oppose it, how big is the gap? And by "oppose", do you mean simply not getting in the way of people seeking that information, not actively preserving the gap, making the info available to some or all who seek it, or actively disseminating it?

Because there's a difference between letting someone find out that there's no Santa, and running up to 6 year olds in the street and screaming that Santa doesn't exist. Essentially, sharing certain info can border on abuse. You know that already.

So how do you plan to close the knowledge gap?

Also, you know what I mean by average people you cheeky little sumbitch. ;)

Do you plan on engineering a future world populated by what society would now classify as "elites" (in multiple respects) ...and what would happen to those society now deems the average, working class all American pleb ...the "little guy" ... The not so bright? Would the become an underclass? Would they be transformed somehow? (You allude to technology and transhumanism) Or would they simply be eradicated in the world you envision?

HLI: We try to actively disseminate both specific knowledge and good guidance.

Do you plan on engineering a future world populated by what society would now classify as "elites"

We're interested in improving.

The not so bright? Would the become an underclass? Would they be transformed somehow? (You allude to technology and transhumanism) Or would they simply be eradicated in the world you envision?

We estimate that people are almost infinitely malleable. There is no reason to consider them permanently dimwitted and plenty of reason to expect improvement from them.

/pol/: What agency is it that the IG couldn't talk about in the public oversight committee meeting (and/or) what was it that was in the email that couldn't be talked about?

How many diseases are there actually cures for that aren't available to the average person?

HLI: Clinton extensively discussed counterterrorism and counterintelligence operations on her email. Multiple agencies including CIA and NSA.

We have general frameworks for treating almost all viral and bacterial infections and the ability to cure cancer for starters.

/pol/: Well I guess that's it for my country then

So essentially we are at the final stages of the end of the world or at least very close to it

Would WW3 being averted grantee that no global catastrophe would occur?

Why wouldn't it be?
well this site being not anymore would be better for them than it existing, i doubt they can't censor the crap out of the mainstream social networks sites and reddit

this isn't some sort of game where you select in a non arbitrary certain actors and according to how they do you decide something in regards of a pseudo scientific with philosophical tints matter ?


once you win how will you clean up the mess without international conflict? Theres no way your average citizen will process all that has been happening i mean despite all the crisis people lived here they don't have the sightless idea of whats going on.

Theres also no way more than one power will use the opportunity to do powergrabs that will prepare everything for the next conflict or is everyone part of the same team

Is the plan a global federation instead of a global empire?

HLI: >once you win how will you clean up the mess without international conflict?

We don't have any consensus on how to bail you out in a dramatic fashion.

Imagine if we gave you a personality to lead you from the darkness. How do you avoid accusations of that person being the anti-Christ and a dramatic backlash?

It's not as easy as it might seem at first glance. There are so many complicating factors.

/pol/: You're aware. Great. Do you understand why people do not see you as benevolent?

What on Earth or in the Heavens gives you or any other group the right to execute leaders chosen by the people? "Because we can"?

If you are so confident in the strength of your ideas and the worthiness of your cause, why all the secrecy? Scared much?

HLI: We don't assess society as capable of open rational discussion.

Many have died overreaching like this in the past and dark ages have resulted.

/pol/: My family has been touched heavily by occult forces. My grandfather was invited to the Bohemian Grove (but didn't return) and held many powerful positions in the world.

I am engaging in and promoting subversive behavior in a very public way - is it likely that I am under observation by occult powers?

Are there any signs I should watch out for, for the safety of myself and my family?

How likely is some sort of recruitment, should I play along with a Bohemian Grove invite?

HLI: Most societies pay attention to descendants of members at least initially. They may or may not have written you off as not interesting by now though. Hard to say without knowing more.

/pol/: Do these two:



know each other?

HLI: Don’t know.

/pol/: Some of us do study history, we're not all worms underneath your godly feet.

For all your intellectual might and resources, you do understand that there are scenarios from which the only recovery would be a complete rebuilding of all we know, right?

HLI: We're very much concerned about those possibilities.

/pol/: What is/ was the majestic 12?
How can I become someone like you?
What about the freemasons? What are they what role do they play?
Is there a job in the CIA that deals with the Illuminati?
What about the Nazi's were they an occult group that tried to do something with Vril or something?

HLI: Freemasons are kind of like an umbrella group for dissident minds. Neutral meeting territory. Think of the lodge as equivalent to a meeting ground governed by gentlemen's agreements, like lords meeting in the middle before battle to discuss options before commencing with bloodshed.

/pol/: >Cancer cure

Yet you allow so many to suffer so that you hold the fruit of knowledge alone. Let it out.

HLI: We are not capable of significant extension of productive lifespan yet. If we stop largely stop death but don't restore vitality it will collapse society.

/pol/: How do you feel about visionaries, or people with precognition? Is it legitimate?

HLI: It's closer to predicting an object will continue to fall under the action of gravity absent an arresting force than something miraculous in a sense beyond the human intelligence potential.

Some people are better in the sense that some scientists are more productive, but not beyond that.

/pol/: Why must it be kept so secret? And who are you keeping it a secret from?

Surely if your goals are good and correct and you're a "good guy" it would be A simple thing to persuade a sizeable chunk of the population to your cause.

Thank you for answering my questions. Even if you are full of shit (and I'm inclined to think you're not) it's been genuinely fun chatting.

You're more interesting than most people I come into contact with.

HLI: You have not really thought about what all such a process entails.

What if we seize power and push out the blackmail network. They won't just go quietly and we don't have the means to kill them all overnight, nor even consensus that we should if we could.

So you are dealing with a broad and organized network of malcontents resisting your efforts to improve, plus the government is highly unstable because people have no reason to trust it and are predisposed to revolution.

This isn't a trivial exercise you are proposing.

/pol/: How many times do you think civilization has needed to restart?

HLI: Depends on what you count as a restart.

We experienced at least one near complete dark age from ~10,000 years ago to ~5,000 years ago.

Probably not more, other than less severe episodes familiar to you in modern history.

/pol/: >There are more than two materially different factions in the world.

Can you give us an overview of the different factions? Three seems to be the US-centric techno-rationalist cyborg faction. What are the features of the others? Which one is the most powerful and which one is the most interesting?

HLI: The major power factions in the world are analogous to dark priests, good priests, kings, and (in theory) meritocracies.

Dark priests - these people believe that beauty emerges from contrast. Evil is necessary for good kind of thing. They are not necessarily pro-evil, but pro-contrast.

Kings - generally less intelligent than dark priests. Much of their code of behavior derives from a belief in the past that you need a slave class to sustain an enlightened class.

Meritocracy - they believe in something similar to democratic rule, but only with votes for the initiated, because the masses are hopeless.

Us - we're more interested in the emperor without clothes effect. The exercise of power has always come with a stifling of dissent and dangerous dips into psychosis. We try to undermine this tendency more than anything else.

/pol/: Did Jesus of Nazareth have divine power or was that written in later?

HLI: Depends on what you mean by divine power.
