in #i6 months ago (edited)


I knew that one day this would happen, it was inevitable 😁

Yesterday I posted, like I use to do with some regularity (40 post this year), in Black & White community.


Less than one hour after the post published someone in the community muted the post.

Actually all my Black & White posts are muted right now! 🤣🤣🤣

At same time, @monochromes account, curator and moderator in the community where I published the post muted, left a comment on the post


Saw few minutes ago. Meanwhile @brumest, admin of Black and White community came to justify the mute. "Because I'm free to mute you"
That's it lol it's what we have and somehow, what we deserve!


PT: Porque é que continuas a publicar se não gostas de onde estás?
EN: Why do you keep posting if you don't like where you are?

Why do you keep posting if you don't like where you are?

Just @monochromes knows the meaning and reason for this comment but I'm almost sure it have to be with the posts where I question some things like valueplan, dhf, etc.
But for me the mute and the question, is a kind of censorship and retaliation. Well done guys! 👏👏👏 you, as community, must be very proud of this mute!

What I'm gonna do?

Nothing, it's what we have and somehow, what we deserve!

"Nothing", I mean about the retaliation mute, of course I will continue questioning everything that I don't understand, disagree, don't think it's fair, etc.

See ya later! Maybe with new black & white photos 😉


Funnily enough he is the first person to mute me from a community, and his comment now makes sense!
haha nothing to do with what you post in that community but who are you elsewhere haha

Yeah exactly. Not what I post but who I am. It's a kind of sophisticated censorship lol

Yes it is lol

Wtf, also got threatened once because I used the tag monomad on one of my photos, as if the tag was owned by someone.

Yeah but in my case I'm quite sure it have to be with some posts I do talking about some things about DHF and related ;) kind of retaliation, no problem 🤟

It seems to me like retaliation from someone who doesn't like being exposed! Don't let them silence you!

Como vejo uma bandeira portuguesa viu responder em português lol

"Cantarei até que a voz me doa"
Para cantar, cantar sempre o meu fado
Como a ave que tão alto voa
E é livre de cantar em qualquer lado. (Maria da fé)

Isto é só peixe miúdo (com todo o respeito para os peixes de todos os tamanhos, até porque adoro jaquizinhos fritos com arroz de tomate), a querer ficar bem na fotografia dos grandes ou algo puramente pessoal. No big deal!

I guess not everything is black and white haha keep on keeping on! If you’re looking for a new community for your photography, I hear the #slothbuzz community appreciate it.

Thank you! Hive is full of communities ✌️

It sure is, constantly growing. It's funny how things come and go on Hive.

dozing... a sloth-like activity if ever I've heard of one! Keep on buzzin!

Obrigado por ajudar a crescer a nossa comunidade Portuguesa no HIVE