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RE: Icosahedron

in #icosahedron2 years ago (edited)

Enemy to all life on earth, not just political or ideology, Facebook is overseen by satanic forces, who dont deserve anything of significance, the data will be used against the lifeforces of God.

satanic forces are parasites without individualized souls, the original soul has been replaced, they are no longer host to human souls.

this is done by SRA Satanic Ritual Abuse, and now can be done by using technology.

Rudolf Steiner explains Sorath, the Sun Demon & the Eith Sphere of Saturn, will emerge in 2020 with a technology attached to a vaccine that kills the God connection & replaces it with Ahriman, the spirit of Saturn, Sorath, Satan, Black Sun Demon, identical to Lovecraftian mythos.

counter point to the Eighth Sphere is Earth, the 4th Sphere, known as Elohim Lucifer or Enki, at the center of the Earth core.

this story is the basis of all mythology, rooted from the catastrophe between Jupiter (Marduk) vs Ceres (Tiamat).

the spirit of the missing planet Tiamat took refuge deep with Earth core as Kingu or Demiurge, and began the human experience in an attempt to be born & heal from the ashes of this great trauma.

Prometheus, Pandora & Deucalion as told by Gilgamesh, Enuma Elish & Inanna Descent into the Underworld.


the idea of gods, in my perspective are like archetypes or fundamental forces of creation or physical matter.

the demons are like mind parasites that harvest nightmares & diseased souls.