My Journey as I Travel Tonight.

in #ihc4 years ago

Peace be upon you ...

Just stopped raining, when I was about to open the gate, I saw a large shiny caterpillar. I had never before seen caterpillars like this around my house.

Large size of approximately 7 cm, black striped brown color looks very exotic. The more strange, usually caterpillars run slowly, but these caterpillars run fast, unlike other caterpillars that I often encounter.


I immediately took my smartphone to take a photo of this caterpillar. But the resulting picture is not good, maybe because the camera on my smart phone is not good.

I was surprised, because my house was located in a dense housing, but there was a caterpillar of this size appearing. Very beautiful, if this caterpillar appears during the day, it might have been eaten by birds.




I want to take a photo of the face of this caterpillar hair, but it didn't work. He walked very fast, so I had difficulty pointing the camera at his face. If I succeed, maybe I can see the beauty of this caterpillar.

That is my story on the way tonight. I hope you are happy ....


Buruj ck

Pulang malam 11/06/2020



Baru saja berhenti hujan, saat saya hendak membuka pintu pagar terlihat ulat mengkilap berukuran besar. sebelumnya saya tidak pernah melihat ulat seperti ini di sekitar rumah saya.

Ukurannya besar kurang lebih 7 cm, warna yang coklat bergaris hitam tampak sangat eksotis. Semakin aneh, biasanya ulat berjalan perlahan, tapi ulat ini berjalan cepat, tidak seperti ulat lain yang sering saya jumpai.

Saya langsung mengambil smartphone saya untuk mengambil foto ulat ini. Namun gambar yang dihasilkan kurang bagus, mungkin karena camera di smart phone saya kurang bagus.

Saya merasa heran, karena rumah saya terletak di perumahan padat, namun ada ulat sebesar ini muncul. Sangat cantik, jika ulat ini muncul disiang hari, mungkin sudah dimakan burung.

Saya ingin mengambil foto dari wajah ulat inibulu, tapidan tidak berhasil. Dia berjalan sangat cepat, sehingga saya kesulitan mengarahkan camera ke wajahnya. Jika saya berhasil, mungkin saya bisa melihat kecantikan dari ulat ini.

Demikian cerita saya dalam perjalan malam hari ini. Semoga anda senang....


Buruj ck

Pulang malam 11/06/2020