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RE: Investigation - Children in the care of Nottinghamshire Councils - Public hearing - Day 7

in #iicsa6 years ago (edited)

While my own vocabulary and intelligence limits my understanding of your comment I think that you may be under the impression that this inquiry has the best of intentions. It is my belief that this inquiry has been limited from the outset, as to how far the it goes to uncover the full truth and scale of the events. I know that many survivors have been denied the oppertunity to give evidence and in this case in particular that is very true indeed. One survivor named Melanie Shaw has asked to give evidence but has since been jailed and is now facing the prospect of being sectioned under the mental health act. This was due to the fact that she was going to give evidence that would have implicated high ranking members of the government and reveal that children were not only mistreated and sexually abused, but also that they were murdered in the grounds of beechwood. After being denied the oppertunity to speak out, Nottinghamshires police chief (Chris Ayre) and the director of public prosecution (Alison Saunders) have personally seen to it that she is silenced. After imprisonning this vulnerable lady for a minor charge(and a spurious one at that) they have allowed her to be further abused while in prison, changed/mispelt her name whilst moving her around to different correctional facilities and all just to hamper anyone concerned being able locate and speak with her.
I think that it is good that we get to hear from some of the survivors and I appluad their bravery but I am under no illusion that this is a fair and just inquiry. As for the witnesses who are giving evidence to defend these institutions, I feel that they have also been cherry-picked or maybe sacrificed for the cause. Constant and obvious lies are being told by people who hold influential positions presently and this is all been done whilst they are under-oath. Again, this is an enquiry that will fall far short and change little for those in care today. Maybe a few issues will get better but while certain evidence is not shown the light of day then I can't see how this inquiry can possibly pull out the roots of the problem. Nearer Christmas we will be hearing about the abuse surrounding certain polititions in Westminster and I think that the this will be hamstrung even moreso. It's a shame that this will not lead to any prosecutions, for purgury at least, and it is also shameful that most of the perpetrators have been allowed to live and die peacefully after all the destruction they have caused.
I totally agree that there should be an itemized investigation into each case of abuse but while the government perpetuate the falisy of austerity and continue to slash public spending I doubt this can ever be achieved.
Thank you for you comment and I would suggest that you may want to visit a website named UKColumn to gain more information about the points I have raised.