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RE: Keeping your eyes on Brexit so you'll miss the real issue of the day...

in #iicsa5 years ago

I read a short article about this inquiry which apparently is not considered big news. Actually it was a piece about a woman who came forward as a victim. The way it was written it suggested she is not reliable. She was described several times as a chain-smoker as if it goes without saying chain-smokers are not to be trusted! Looking forward to your future posts on this!


Many of the victims/witnesses who are genuine have been either silenced or ruined. This part of the inquiry in particular was supposed to be fronted by a victim named "Nick" but low and behold he was found with compromising material on his laptop... Whether he was set up or not I'm not sure but it just goes to show what a mess this inquiry is.
Unfortunately, I didn't get to see any of today's hearing but I can always revisit then in a fortnights time when they finally put the replay onto their youtube channel.

Thanks for dropping a comment and stopping by :)