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RE: 🇺🇦 Day #43 of the war in Ukraine.

in #ilysarazom2 years ago

Here is about to help support what you guys are doing and I definitely shared it because you are really doing amazing work helping other people especially in the midst of this insane conflict.

It's people like you that really are making a difference in this world.

Thank you very much and have an amazing day with all of your hard work.


Zelensky must instruct donations to be made in HIVE ,.... to get donators to BUY THEIR OWN HIVEPOWER and UPVOTE AND DELEGATE IT so they have something at the end of teh day AND helped Ukraine.


I am upvoting all posts with 100% of my 15,400 Hive Power. I would have more but all my posts are being downvoted by Russian Trolls.

We need to not create a war here on Hive tho

We need to be uniting ukrainians and russians

we cant allow this divide and conquer thing

whyc ant we upvote all the poor people on the ground in Eurasia and dissolve the old governments with blockchain governance smart contracts and massive airdrops ? we dont even need starlink for that

what russian trolls? Maybe I can reason/ talk to them and create a peace plan

Americans and Russians and CHinese must be allied to prevent nuclear war or other WMD wars , cyber wars etc

now is our chance to avoid emotions, like before ww1 and ww2 imagine stopping them with the power of the press and radio etc

Yeah I totally have this leg humping Chihuahua troll that is pro Russian. Apparently Ukraine is German? Wtf...

All abuses done by one side are hyped up however abuses that happen on the other side are just lies.

Pretty crazy.

Yep ironically I'm having harassment issues with Russian trolls and they really need to be identified as well as counter.

It's pretty crazy when you have individuals supporting war crimes.

But then again I mean are we doing anything to block and uphold sanctions or is our blockchain in trouble for money laundering and supporting the Russian war effort?....

Some interesting thoughts I had.

This guy dragonslayer is downvoting all my posts now. Not sure why. Maybe he is not a Russian ? I don’t know.

Read the top line of his profile...


And very interesting all of these individuals need to be identified because if they are attacking others to limit support of Ukrainian resistance? Hmmmm

You totally should hit me up on discord and we should have a conversation...