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RE: [Hae-Joo] Why Millenials Such as Myself are DONE with the System For GOOD.

in #impunity6 years ago

I was born in 1966, at 11 years old I tattooed on my right knee ANARCHY, I got called names for 20 years for wanting politicians gone, I got abused for wanting monarchy freeloaders gone, I have spent 40 years being anti war, anti fractional reserve banking, I can count one of my friends as David Icke, save your thoughts on him please spare me, and you think we did nothing? do you have any I mean ANY idea what you are up against to change this criminal system that by design with central banks has enslaved us all? if not research it, I will be fucked if I will let you blame my generation, go back 200 years to Natanian Rothschild, and you may find the answer, then get down the rabbit hole further and reasearch Sumarian tablets that make up the whole fairy tale that is religion today, then come back, "I care not what puppet is placed on
the throne of England to rule the Empire, ...
The man that controls Britain's money
supply controls the British Empire.
And I control the money supply." Nathanian Rothschild, now grow a pair, and stop blaming my generation.


I will sum up the fight even better than that, since I have been on here for 2 weeks a battle has been going on with someone raping the rewards pool or so it seems, I have seen it hope you have, now imagine me at 37 reputation and you at 54, plus another 1 zillion of us wanting to change the situation, all the same level, could we? and there you have the underlying answer, NO. and that is life bro, you got to learn to deal with what you got, if you are in China, check out ADVChina on youtube, they are in china, 1 south African dude and 1 Canadian, also laowhy86 on youtube and serpentza , these guys make some serious money on yt, and are real good fun to hang around with. stay AWESOME.


Hahaha, also: I am definitely growing a pair!
That's the ultimate plan

To learn the lessons from your generation, and carry the torch of freedom further, and try to pass it on to the next generation even brighter!

I'm actually incredibly incredibly grateful to all previous generations... I just had to write this... It's developmental.. Separating from the parental unit

My parents are baby boomers, and far from being perfect, they are real role models for me... I try to emulate the best parts about them, and do better in the parts that they could have done better with

Your generation was great, there's no question!
Just try and be a little empathic to our generation

The world is a lot scarier today than it was during the "cold war"...

Did you have autonomous killing machines committing genocides in your day and age?

Mmm... I guess you had the fear of Nuclear Bombs... Scary too, but I don't know, a little less somehow

now that is more like it, some positivity.
The thing is these things people vote for, will always try to keep you in fear, sure they have better weapons than we do, sure they have drones, and sure their friends print all the fiat bs money, and loan it to them, you have one distinct advantage though, you will never sell your soul, or let your children (should you decide to bring any into this crazy world) fight their fight for them.
And this is all it takes, is one generation of people not willing to lend their fiat currency and not willing to send their children to fight for them, maybe you are the generation smart enough not to fight the Zionist wars, I can only hope so.
And yes it was prozzie I was thinking of (Canadian) my bad.
stay safe, keep spreading the word against war, follow the rules till you decide like me to move abroad and bin the passport, and enjoy life to the fullest you can, we love you, even though it seems like a tough love, stay smart, and inventive.
You might not see it, but "we do have your back covered"
And I am not giving up the fight, till the bastards put me in the ground. x