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RE: [Hae-Joo] Why Millenials Such as Myself are DONE with the System For GOOD.

in #impunity7 years ago

Within is over!!! - Rambo

Yes. We are paying into social security and will getting back, unlike our parents.

Yes. We will be the ones that will have to pay back the trillions that we owe.

Yes. The 50 - 60 year olds scoff at us because we are renting instead of owing homes.

But it isn't the generation at fault. It is the 0.1% that is reaping 90%. It is greed.

At least we are wiser.


Hey @thewidowmaker

Sorry, but I'm not paying back the trillions that "whoever" owes.

LOL, this will probably the first century that brown and black countries will see droves of white refugees without documents seeking asylum in their countries!

Funny how the tables can turn!

Hopefully they will accept us and treat us better than we treated them when they came to our countries seeking help and a better life

Gotta love the Global South... That's where we can find real freedom.

Fuck giving my money to criminals and terrorists.
That shit would be better stored under my mattress, or even better, stored in a crypto hardware wallet hidden somewhere in the Amazon jungle hahaaha!

I get it. Google: the jubilee. Just keep stacking the physical stuff, brother. There is no paying it back.
All fiat banking systems eventually go to zero going back to the Roman Empire and beyond.
Two great books to read:
The Creature from Jekyll Island and The Hot Zone.
Both are horrifying but almost the same message.