in #indexlast year (edited)

The An Old Obsession Series

The following links are to three posts documenting a revisit to a multi-user role playing game of my past. The entries chronicle my involvement in 'Dev Events' held more recently.

An Old Obsession...
A backstory is given to my main character in this game world, Venorel.

An Old Obsession... (Part 2)
This post covers a Game 'Dev Event' on a storming lake in, a destined to be, grounded vessel.

An Old Obsession... (Part 3)
This 'Dev Event' was driven by the hunt for magical glyphs in some very high places!




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Thanks for keeping count, @hivebuzz! :)

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Dear Nova, as I am running in circles right now I wonder if You as a more prolific user could answer some questions that pertain to my blog. Thank You and I surely hope that You are doing fine.

I surely hope that You are doing fine.

Doing fine, thanks. Seem to be starting to break from the cacoon of the last three years. Have started compiling the documents required for a passport. The plan is to visit the crypto nation of El Salvador this coming winter.

I wonder if You as a more prolific user could answer some questions that pertain to my blog.

Hopefully they can be answered by me. Ask away! :)