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RE: Preparations for the next month EBC Trek

in #india2 months ago

Hi Nainaz (@nainaztengra), I'm happy to share a few more training techniques/ strategies I deploy that could also help you increase your level of strength for the upcoming adventure.

I've been into sports all my life. By the age of 18 I had massive knee injuries and the 20 orthopedist I went to (except one!) suggested I undergo surgery. That was never an option for me! So I followed the advice of the "exception" and continued to strengthen my muscles and tendons to keep my knee in place. A few years later I picked up diving as it was less damaging for my knees. However, I kept searching for new methods and modalities to strengthen my body. A few years ago I came across a guy, a former professional basketball player who had several knee surgeries and still couldn't recover. He turned his back on traditional methods and developed hin own protocol. This guy now helps professional athletes who had massive injuries like torn Achilles etc. recover fast and without the need to undergo any type of surgery by using his methods. I've been using some of his exercises to strengthen my knees, back and overall posture. He is known under the name of "KneesOverToesGuy".

His YouTube channel:

His Medium account:

His website:

You'll notice that he is BIG into walking backwards and he even developed a special treadmill designed exclusively for this purpose. His stuff works FAST, and it's extremely powerful.