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RE: Indian Independence day 15th August : JAI HIND

in #india6 years ago

Very good! Yes, that’s exactly what bid bots should be used for.

Congratulations on your effort to educate yourself on this topic!

In order to find out what is considered “good content”, you may want to study some of the points I mentioned in my comment above. Let me summarize what I think is important:

  • As a rule of thumb, I recommend that about 80% of your content should be your own unique original content.
    • For instance, one image from an external source to illustrate a laptop screen of text you have written is about an accepted ratio.
    • Note that quality matters as well. You cannot take an image from an external source and fill the rest of the screen with random text just to cover the 80% ratio.
  • Don’t use copyrighted material in your post. I have already explained where to find copyright-free images.
  • Mark which part of the content was not created by you, cite, name, and link the original creator of the content.
    • For each part of the content which was not created by you, you must state the name of the original creator and link to the original resource (e.g. the website on which you found the content), for example: “This photo was taken by {Author name}, {Link to the website}.”
    • In the case of an image, link to the website where the image was originally embedded in, not directly to the image file address.
  • The language level (grammar, syntax, vocabulary) should be high.
    • The easiest solution for you is to write in your first language. For instance, if you are part of an Indian community on Steemit, you may have a large audience who would enjoy Hindi texts. It’s even more okay to use bid bots to promote quality non-English posts.
    • If you still want to write in English, you may want to write your text first in a Word processor an use auto-correction for grammar errors. Use a thesaurus for vocabulary variety. Or use an English-speaking friend for proof-reading.
    • A third option is to write a post bilingually, e.g. Hindi + English with the same text. If the Hindi is perfect, it’s not so bad if there are a few small errors in the English part.
  • Text layout should look professional.
    • Learn and use markup to emphasize important words and sentences.
    • Structure your text in paragraphs with sub-chapter titles. No formatting errors like sudden line breaks or weird punctuation.

Other tips:

  • The more original content is in a post and the higher the quality, the more it is accepted to use bid bots.
  • It’s recommended that you start writing your own content without using bid bots at all. Public interest will show you how good your posting quality is, and what you need to improve.
  • If you really want to become an honest member of the Steemit community, you also need to be careful not to support / upvote other plagiarists / Steemit abusers.

@megalosaurus thank you clearing points i will try my best to work on this point.

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