What If You Are Supporting the Anti-Semites Thinking You're Supporting the Semites?!

in #informationwar3 years ago


It's not rocket science to see how the people of so-called Israel do not ethnically or genetically belong to the region where they established their 'state', which is historically known as Palestine, it also doesn't require much digging in recent history to discover that before selecting Palestine as their so-called 'ancestors land' they were weighing options like Crimea, Argentines, and even Malta, look it up, you'll see that one of the first countries to recognize the new European colony called 'Israel' was the Soviet Union under Stalin, he wanted to get rid of any claims to Crimea by one of its lowest population segments.

However, it's beyond astonishing how people fall victims easily for the propaganda sold by the Zionists who real practicing Jews condemn Zionism altogether, let alone creating a state for the Jews which is against the very teachings of the Torah.

All this leaves us with only one conclusion: The Europeans and other countries are racist against their own Jewish populations they want to get rid of them that's why they push them to move to Palestine at all costs and protect them and their crimes there at all costs, any other logical explanation?

Image source: New Syria FB page

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