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RE: What in the World is Stigmergy?

In truth, We need no more than 20% of Us doing work - and as robotics is increasingly used, that percentage may drop to 5% or so.  Presently, about 80% of the jobs out there involve the movement of money and overall upwards to the psychopaths in control (by virtue of money).

From cashiers, sales, accounting, advertising, and marketing to casinos, debt collectors, tax collectors, insurance, Wall Street, banking and more...

None of these jobs would be necessary without the need for the psychopaths' tool.  Which means We can supply Humanity's needs and follow Our bliss. The necessary jobs that cannot be done by robot are the creative ones, and plenty of Us would love to do them... It will be Our bliss, and We will be paid the thanks, appreciation, reputation, and other social currencies.


i fully agree. the original purpose of technology was to free humanity from mundane and repetitive manual labor nobody wants to do. the more we use technology for that the freer we are. provided there isn't a systemic black hope that purposefully extorts people's life energy any longer.


Provided psychopaths cannot buy up the world and hide tech... LOL! Money is a ghastly and archaic tool.

Money Motivates the Most Marvelous Manifestations! (article):