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RE: What Happened When Money Went Away

Well, money, irrespective of psychopaths, WILL create poverty and privilege. "Your energy is only worth 2 cents and hour, and His is worth 15 dollars an hour..." So We have judging of the worth of the energy of Others. This WILL create haves and have-nots.

And... It is archaic! We do not need to account for Our energy added into a system (at any arbitrary value). The planet is abundant, We are "post-scarcity" (or were until They mucked with the system for Their plannedemic), which means We could do things like They did on island paradises where They had an abundance of what They needed. They never developed "money." In abundance, it is pointless but to enrich Some and impoverish Others.


"Your energy is only worth 2 cents and hour, and His is worth 15 dollars an hour..."

but that is only cuz we do not have a free market economy..

you can't be forced to let anyone underpay you

also how about a free market for money?

archaic is the planned economy right now and their fake monopoly money..

Guessing You're not getting it. Do You really think the ditch-digger can force the employer to pay Them as much as a doctor? No. The employer calls the shots. Evaluating the energy offered. If You dig ditches and want a doctor's salary, You will have no job. Either that, or be forced to be (in Your eyes) underpaid.

I have no clue what "a free market for money" would even look like.

And even if We use other tokens to account for Our energy...goods/services, shells, beads, sticks notched and split, metals (coins), paper (bills), or electronic bits (crypto), psychopaths WILL be promoted to power.

In trade/barter, They will find ways to monopolize a needed thing - seed, land, water, etc. - and in all representational tokens, They will amass the most, and thereby be able to pay Others to do Their dirty work, maintaining control.

So. As money accounts for Our energy added into a system, it is clear that free energy makes ALL accounting for Our energy added pointless, and frees the wealth that is Ours back to Us.

You do know You are a multimillionaire, right? See:
