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RE: More Facebook censorship...

in #informationwar4 years ago

I've done a good amount of historical research, probably thousands of hours and I don't necessarily agree with you. But, you are of course welcome to your opinion.
I'm guessing you're coming at this from an angle of "The Nazi's were really the good guys" based on what you said, though, I'm not totally sure what angle you're coming from so it's difficult for me to respond with more precision, either way... The Nazi's did some pretty messed up stuff, just like virtually all governments. So, when someone says that behavior which infringes on freedom reminds them of the word Nazi, I get what they are trying to say.


So we can see the approach you have taken. A dishonorable Fallacy. It appears that you don't like to be corrected, or shown something you weren't aware of before. Are you the type that only digests new data that you yourself discovered, and if someone comes along and shows you something new about it, you just outright reject and twist reality with fallacies that are designed to obfuscate the truth?

I'm guessing you're coming at this from an angle of "The Nazi's were really the good guys" based on what you said

Then I am 'guessing' that you don't have a leg to stand on, so you resorted in attacking me with a label used to control the narrative and hide the truth. There is nothing 'nazi good guys' whatsoever in my comment. Only the Truth is in my comment, and some historical pictures bringing something to your attention to prevent you from making a mockery of yourself and the truth by spreading such asinine crap like anyone who raises their hand like that is a 'nazi'. I literally proved your theory, completely asinine, and what do you do? Refer to me as a nazi lover.

You have shown that you are not capable of the reflection required for not only 'reporting', but debate/discussion. You are as dishonest as it gets.