Syria Blasts Trump's Irresponsible Tweet about the Golan

in #informationwar5 years ago (edited)

Syrian ambassador to the United Nations Dr. Bashar Jaafari held a stake-out at the international organization where he condemned the 'irresponsible tweet' of the head of the US regime Donald Trump in regards to the occupied Golan.

Dr. Jaafari called on the United Nations Security Council and the United Nations Secretary General to also condemn the US president's tweet calling it: a flagrant violation and contempt for International Law.

The Syrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs had also issued yesterday a strong condemnation to the US reckless and ignorant policies towards the occupied Golan, reiterating Syria's stance on liberating the occupied Syrian territories by all means possible in accordance to rights granted to it by the International Law, and United Nations resolutions which the USA itself is signatory to.

More in this post: Jaafari on Golan: Trump Tweet Flagrant Violation, Contempt for International Law.

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The Golan Heights region is disposable to Israel.
Netanyahu and his cronies have historically been more than willing to return the Golan Heights region back to Syria in exchange for Syrian recognition of the State of Israel.
Now whether Assad would bend down to his master Putin(who is best friends with Netanyahu) and abandon the Palestinians in exchange for the Golan Heights region and recognize Israel is yet to be seen.

Kerry Reveals Details of Assad’s Secret Letter to Netanyahu in 2010

Don't let titles of Israeli media fool you. Syria asked what it would take to return the full Golan from Israel, we know that Israel will never return it in full by will, but to embarrass the visiting minister and to prove to him it's not us who don't seek peace.

Late Hafez Assad was offered the full Golan back except few meters and he refused: 'Better to leave a just cause for my people to fight for than a humiliating peace', you think his son would blow away his legacy?

As for the Palestinians, first of all let's not forget their majority stabbed is in the back at every chance they got, still we wouldn't sell them for free.

In all Syria's principles in the negotiations: a comprehensive just peace that would guarantee the Right of Return for the Palestinians and the return of all occupied land. ~Check it out.

If Syria ever wanted to strike a deal that would be in its favor completely, it could have done that even during the worst days of the current crisis, Qatari and many western officials conveyed messages non stop to the Syrian leadership: Cut ties with Iran, Hezbolla, and the Palestinian resistance factions, namely Palestinian Liberation Front - General Command, and get full control over the Levant. One of the main reasons the US wants a regime change in Syria is to secure Israel, the US effectively works for Israel worse than how a slave works for their master with no benefits. Late Hafez Assad put it this way: The USA doesn't have a Middle East policy of its own, they follow the Israeli policy.

Bashar Assad rejected Colin Powell 13 conditions list to avoid a US - UK invasion just after they took over Iraq and had over half a million of their own forces on Syria's east borders, there was no Russia that time and Iran was still recovering from the 8 years war, who rejected this pressure back then will not submit now when Syria is way stronger and brought in stronger allies in its side who have all the US militarily bases within their fire range.

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