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RE: Response to - "Are We Ready To Grow Hive With Topical Focused Content People Will WANT To Read?"

Thank you for an awesome response, @truthforce.

Your 3rd last sentence encapsulates what I would LIKE to see:

"If those thought leaders and influencers and podcasters advocate and advertise Hive then there is no telling how large Hive could grow."

I've never even HEARD of 4chan so I'm now REALLY intrigued as to what they offer that Hive doesn't. Off to have a look.

Ease of use is pivotal to everyone. Incentives are the least of anyone's concerns IMHO - if they have something real to say. They're a nice add on for people with passion.

I sometimes think we believe Hive will grow by getting more people "like us". Maybe there is the fallacy? A bit like the start up founder of most businesses is the first person who has to go to enable major growth.

Perhaps your last sentence really highlights best how Hive can grow. Thought-leaders post. Minions get paid for comments. Eventually some of the minions work out that they, too, should become through leaders.

Pondering. Appreciating your thoughts.


Oh boy, first time on 4chan? :) Its a lot of Not Safe Content for your information. Depending on what threads you are browsing through. Could see graphic things, fair warning!

I have no problem with NSFW content as long as its intelligent & provocative, as opposed to patriarchal, banal and boring. I work with sex trafficked people here in Asia which probably is why it is not anything that has crossed my path. I'm more of an Anais Nin type. ;)

Now that you've said that, it's already blown that out of the water as a viable Hive alternative for (example) serious vaccine discussion.