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RE: How Many Cans Of Worms Out There?

in #informationwar4 years ago (edited)

Monetarism goes along with a very specific premise and this is the premise I am exposing. Money is the tool, so yes, I am not keen on money.

Animals profit-seeking??? People comparing themselves to animals is a BIG part of the problem. NO animal can think years ahead, not even apes... so your argument is already falling apart. Meaning that your metaphysics is completely outdated

In my metaphysics, humans have to collaborate with the least coercion and have their basic needs met (roof/food/clothing/high education). And competition is extremely coercive. Money was never invented to protect freedom but hierarchy.

Darwin is currently being seriously challenged big time by top philosophers and scientists -- it only is a beginning...

Darwinism/competition and hierarchy, the patriarchal structure is merely killing the planet, they are the tenets of atheism that claims that humans are above nature. Competition will forever mean RAT RACE! The carrot and the stick dumbs down society.

Even Nagel, here below, acknowledges how wrong the system is. If science is false, so is monetarism, just everything.

Many scientists and philosophers are getting it, our problems come from our own arrogance to think that Nature can be bent to our will.

A system that has trafficked and exploited humans throughout history is anti-life and needs to go. Monetarism cannot exist without a monopoly on value, collusion, cheating the output and input, and competition/exploitation, which is why our education system is a complete fallacy and poverty rampant. Addressing all that would render money meaningless

Why the Materialist Neo-Darwinian Conception of Nature is Almost Certainly False By Thomas Nagel

Nagel is one of the world's leading philosophers of mind. Although he is an atheist, he argues that the materialist approach to life and mind has failed to explain consciousness, intentionality, meaning and value. This failure threatens to unravel the entire naturalistic worldview in biology, evolutionary theory and cosmology. We need a new kind of science.

My last reply to you... but thanks for your inspiration, I will be soon drafting a blog about it and clarify all this once and for all
