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RE: How Many Cans Of Worms Out There?

in #informationwar4 years ago (edited)

Lions hunting prey gain more calories than they expend . Ergo they are in an energy profit.

give me a break, predators such as a lion only succeed 40% of the time to catch a prey... Nature will never allow obesity ...

Honey bees just do that to spend the winter... in the spring they are back to square 1... no animal can plan more than 1 season ahead

Even insects such as ants, the colony grows in size because they have more larvae to feed accordingly

Nature is a zero sum game, and for ever will. But we humans manage to think we can do otherwise... go figure


give me a break, predators such as a lion only succeed 40% of the time to catch a prey

Not an argument.
If they DIDN'T profit (calories), they would starve. basic math.
Try eating 1000 calories and expending 1500.
Basic math.
Zero sum is irrelevant, it's about transfer of energy - and profit - because of the action.

Honey bees just do that to spend the winter... in the spring they are back to square 1... no animal can plan more than 1 season ahead

Changing your own goal posts, to argue for the validity of the concept of animals not understanding time is not an argument.
The basis of your point was that animals have no concept of time.
Switching it to ' one season' is disingenuous.