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RE: 50 Years of Failed Eco-pocalyptic Predictions

in #informationwar5 years ago

Whilst i may agree with u on many points, i would like to say that downvoting others because you dont share their opinion is not cool and prevents learning and progress... please dont do it!, no one knows the whole truth 100% so its wise to listen and hear what others opinions are... climate change may well be a result of only sun activity BUT even then we still need to change our ways for a long list of reasosns...


Those others started the downvotes instead of initiating a civil discussion. They also have a history of being rude. One of them wished me to burn in a fire and get cancer. How should I respond to that? By being nice to their feelings and irrational behavior?

The sun is only one of the factors determining the climate.

Mmm good to know..

i posted something like you are saying..last year
It brought on a shit storm ,,
But i stood by my reasoning...
but, we shouldnt be too sure about our opinions, because its too hard to say for sure... i always keep a small opening just in case im wrong.. just sayin’