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RE: Coin Shortage

in #informationwar4 years ago

lol, mecha Karens


The way I see it is that there's no reason why Bitcoin wouldn't be that currency. The establishment has the means to co-opt Bitcoin into the dirt. Pegging a digital currency to precious metals is a waste of time and actually makes the currency worth less, because the centralization increases for no reason. There's really no reason to do it imo. The elite can continue ruling without going back to the gold standard; there's a very good reason they abandoned it in the first place.


My imagined scenario seems highly unlikely in our current paradigm. Money is a conceptual thing and psychology plays a huge role determining currency value, gold backed or fiat, decentralized or centralized. If they can get into our heads, anything is possible for them. They create a new paradigm, a #newnormal. The last few months has illustrated how skilled they are getting into people's skulls, and this is just the beginning.