
I do like that http://FAS.ORG website and it does help people know what they need to know. Media was taking over so much in the 1980's and now Internet social network ghettos in the 2010's. did I just read? Like, it totally made sense but....I have no idea what you just said...yet, I like it all the same! I suppose if you can't dazzle people with brilliance (which you can, obviously), then baffle them with bullshit (not saying that's what you did but, just saying). LOved it, Mr. Bacon! @hoaxwars !

I hate to break it to you Frank, but the 21st century started 18 years ago.
We approached and leaped right in. Few hiccups like Y2K, 911, chemtrails and 2012 Mayan calendar thing.
The year 2100 will start the 22nd century.

We’re going the other way from my perspective 😎🥓


That would take driving in reverse for a really long time.
Although I have a heavy duty rear bumper, I don't do backwards well and would just get stuck in a time warp. Maybe uni-brow boy can hack a time phone (bahahahaha)
I have an old fire phone - it's bad ass