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RE: How did they do it? Not a conspiracy - a fact!

in #informationwar5 years ago

And also iteresting part of the story is that after the second world war the US gov. Took the Holly crown of Hungary to reaserch it. For 33 years. Some people still believe that that the crown that they gave back is a fake one. Question. Why was that so much important for the US to take it? There are fables about that Crown and a lot of fake information on the internet but if the "US gov." took it and hold it there should be something else in the background i think.

Posted using Partiko Android


"trinkets" they love them, hence why Syria has been raped, all the world heritage sites are "trinkets" to the greedy few.

I am not sure that they are "trinkets"😊 I believe that some people even few thousands of years before they knew things that we dont know yet. Maybe the same happened that time like now. That just the choosen ones knew the secrets😉

Posted using Partiko Android

I think you may well be right.