
They arrested the Cop for murder, good 1st step! The Guard there should shut it down, doesn't make sense to loot, with an armed Man every ten feet....


People who harm women, children, the weak, disabled and those unable to stand for themselves shouldn't be tolerated in my opinion...A cop that does it even more so as a cop has taken an oath to serve and protect. It's people like that who make it difficult for those in the profession who do the right thing.

I have a problem with looting. I'll never feel it is necessary in moments like this in Minnesota. Just my feelings on the matter.

Glad the cop perp was apprehended.

Once a prisoner is cuffed, the police are required, by law, to protect them. We had a local problem, and those responsible are serving a long sentence in prison!

The other perp that needs execution, is the Mayor of NYC. Per law (USC 18 Section 242) anyone using the "color if law" to steal Constitutional Rights, should be prosecuted. He sent infected patients to nursing homes, with shipnents of body bags! Murder for political gain....


The world is a pretty reprehensible place in the main, a few shining examples of goodness interspersed amongst copious actions of the greedy and ambitious. Watched a little footage from the US this morning, from my quiet, tree-lined neat and tidy suburb...Looks hideous up there.

It is only ugly here where liberals are in control! The rest of the country, including my little piece of suburbia, is a nice place to live. The problem is that they can't stop, so they must BE Stopped! The liberals are a cancer, infecting the entire World...and must be surgically removed for the health of the Planet.

Since they have been unable to remove our Second Amendment Rights, this needed surgery (to remove their unbounded greed) will likely begin here! We may need backup from down under before the entire Cancer is removed....


There's plenty of folks down here who are sick of the leftist ethos I can assure you, it's just not as volatile I guess. The left-ethos is more insidiously-implemented and those of us that oppose it less inclined to rise up. It's just the way it is.

We have allowed more than we should have allowed!

But when they push Conservatives far enough that defensive firearms are the only real option, then the real problems will become apparent. The liberals that light off this specific fuse, will be stunned by the level of violence in the response!
