GM food and vaccination oncoligical rates

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

GMO phase II

Today we will be looking at my own research, my own understanding of GM foods and vaccines.

GM foods

GM foods have a huge impact on pharmaceutical industry. This is because GM foods change the consumers RNA (ribonucleic acid). Since the genome is changed in the host (food), as the individual consumes it over time the bodies genome begins to mutate to adjust.


Yet after years of eating processed food or GM food your stomach flora begin to change. What happens is the gene from the GM food begin to seep into our bodies through our gut, then changes the RNA of the individual.
Perhaps, this is why probiotics are in everything and shilled non stop on tv ads.


as you see from this chart, it shows rheumatoid arthritis diagnosis from 190x to 2010. GM foods have been around in the US since 1987.

As you can now see that big pharmaceuticals need GM foods to create a niche in markets. Another problem with GM foods is glycosphate. Glycosphate equals cancer. Glycosphate is found in weed killer and applied to corn and soy bean production.


this is incidence rate of thyroid cancer in correlation to glycosphate application in food.


I know it sounds crazy, but I still havent been given my MMR shot yet. And now downright refuse it to be administered to my daughter. The MMR only grants a window of immunity, 4-6 years. The way the vaccination breaks down is it works the T1 cells in the body stressing only one side of the immune systems response.

When a person contracts Measels, Mumps, Rubella it stresses both T1 and T2 cells. Creating a very healthy immune system.


What we as people later came to find out, is that when only one cell is stressed it puts that individual at an increased cancer risk. As the MMR vaccine and others are designed to stress the T1 cell in our bodies.


oh geez looks as if fatality rate is higher from vaccination then the disease itself!


contracting measels is .6% fatality rate. There are treatments for it today and for mumps and ruebella. So are vaccinations of our children really necessary?

Good news is though, cancer survival rate is better then ever!


Only three companies benefit from cancer drug sales globally.

Top 3 cancer producing companies:

  1. Roche -$25.4 Billion global sales
  2. Amgen - $11.9 Billion global sales
  3. Novartis - $8.6 Billion global sales

What do you think? Is there a relation between GM foods and vaccines?

I will try to narrow scope... later on.


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Relevance; I wouldn't even vaccinate my dog!

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Good article. I appreciate your research. If it is of any consolation to you I have been studying these things for years now. None of my four kids have been vaccinated and i am sure none of their children will be vaccinated either. I have been through the battles in schools that wanted to stop my kids from registering. It is fight but you need to show that you know what your talking about and if worse comes to worst you change the school as your kids health is most important. If you have any questions please ask.

We will be homeschooling our daughter and future child(ren). I appreciate your response! :)

@tordoc please considering joining informationwars.

Fit right in.