Winning the Information War, Let's Keep Going It's Not Over Yet!

in #informationwar4 years ago


It's not over yet, folks.

It's the end of the week and the MSM is announcing the "winner" of the election as Sleepy Joe. Because, you know, people hate Trump so much that their passion and energy causes votes for Biden to miraculously count as 100 votes, if you are voting in the right county!




Obama's Legacy




Old Joe Can't Help Himself



Don't Dance with the Devil



We're witnessing a takeover by the corporate media, who are literately making their reality an accepted fact in the minds of the sheeple-majority. They did it on 9/11, the moon shot, all the political assassinations and now one of the most important elections in U.S. history. The sheeple-majority will not think outside their little cage. The DemoRat machine may very well get away with this because of the MSM brainwashing effect on the masses.


Its true if the oracle screen says it's true, we arrange our home and furniture around the oracle and worship them! They say...

The MSM is complicit in Democrat fraud.
How ridiculous to call the race when there will be recounts and Court challenges in all the fraud States.

In the end the State Legislatures, all GOP controlled, can and should select GOP slates of Electoral College Electors because the vote is irrevocably tainted by fraud and illegal conduct.

GOP voters must put pressure on their GOP State House members to perform this Constitutional duty.

irrevocably tainted by fraud

That is exactly right. The US has a long history of election fraud, just never on this massive of a scale. We do not have a very good track record of overturning election results, even when they are blatantly fraudulent, especially because our "conservative" judges base their decisions on the "greater good" of preventing mass riots and keeping peace. Also the carrot and stick, bribery and blackmail, plays a roll in our corrupt judicial system. So when I hear Trump saying he's taking it to court, I'm not comforted.

This time, their attempted coup may have been successful.

What a mess.

The Courts don't need to overturn the election results. They just need to cast sufficient doubt on their legitimacy that the GOP State Legislatures can justify ignoring the tainted vote counts and submitting a GOP slate of Electoral College Electors.

The result is completely in the hands of the GOP. Will the GOP State Legislatures have the guts to perform their constitutional duty?

I hope so.