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RE: Downvotes From Whales

in #informationwar4 years ago (edited)

I like to try my best to sell a banana to you. So, I have a banana. So, maybe we will do a trade. Maybe you will give me something for my banana. If I am happy with what you have to offer, then I might give you the banana. If you are not happy with the banana, then you can go. If I am not happy with what you have to offer, be it money, products, services, time, information, etc, then I can refuse to hand over my banana to you. The art of the deal. I like competition. I like the meaning to life. I like the freedom to try to compete, to try to get more and more. I like that. Call me a monster for being greedy if you want to. Alright, I am a greedy bastard. I admit, I am just very greedy. I want. I try to get more and more and more. You can call that anything you want. You can say that is right or wrong. I choose to do these things no matter what they are, even if they are bad things, even if they are wrong. I am choosing to try to work hard to get more. I want to let others have that kind of freedom too to try to trade. I like the art of trade. A relationship between a man and a woman is a trade, a free market exchange. Everything is. We are in a trade in this conversation. I give you words and you give me words back. And I click on the upvote button on your comment right here right now.