
Yes, but if you let fear control you, you will vote for evil puppets, and bash on those that want to bring them to Justice. Just like you are doing to me. You'll start spinning reality, and ignoring someone's points, to suit that fear, just like you are doing to me.

Take the criminals to Justice, or 'Voting' is for imbeciles who cannot shed their fear enough to BRING THE CRIMINALS TO JUSTICE. You don't 'vote' for them, and you definitely don't ATTACK those like me that want a DAY OF THE ROPE!

The opposite is true, people can let fear guide towards decisions that are not the best. Ultimately, each individual must exercise freewill in that process.

Voting for the lesser or two evils does not mean you cannot also simultaneously call for the arrest of both candidates in a given situation.

For example, between Bush and Obama, I would vote Bush and simultaneously call for the arrest of Bush at the same time. Now, however, if a third candidate could win somehow, then you campaign for a third party.

But that is very unlikely to work or at least not yet. The best way for a candidate to win is through the blue team or the red team. Sadly, both teams were infiltrated. I encourage people to infiltrate them back.

JFK was on the blue team but was pretty good and they murdered him for it. They tried murdering Reagan. Trump was infiltrating the red team back. As bad as Trump was, Trump was the best we have had in many decades. I'm not totally sure how Trump compares with some of the best Presidents of all time. I need to wait before reflecting on all of that.

I have nuance in what I believe and I wrote many articles and made many videos. You don't know what I said and you admit that you don't read all that I write. Yet, you claim you know what I did not say even in the face of not knowing everything I said. I talk about draining the swamp the same as you do. I will continue to talk about seeking justice and in voting at the same time. You want just one of those two things. You don't want to vote until things are perfect. But things will never be perfect because people are not perfect. We do the best we can. I do attack. I agree, bring the criminals to justice, let's start with Bill Gates and Soros and Rothschild, Rockefeller, etc.

Voting for the lesser or two evils

So you admit that you vote(VOLT)(SUPPORT), Evil.
Good luck with that.

All else is filler. You just endlessly avoid the point/truth. Reminds me of Neo-Liberalism. Yet your 'Lesser Evil' did more damage than the pedo chinawhore.

You will learn. You mean well, but you don't know enough about the thing behind the curtain yet. Go rah rah your demons then.

Try to stick to the point of the post.
You are voting for Rothschild. Period. You don't seem to give a shit. You'll just choose the lesser evil puppet. Still a puppet.

Really, we are done here child. Call me when you learn some shit. Otherwise go play pretend adult with other children. You're barking up the wrong tree with me. I know far too much, that you most likely will never even encounter in your travels.

Also, might want to lay off the assuming that you 'know' what you think you know...

For over a century, we have been void of enough lesser of two evils especially in America and some cases longer than a century.

Rothschild is not the only force out there, well unless if Rothschild is your way of vaguely saying the powers that be. The world we live in today isn't totally the same as it was a century ago.

Neoliberalism and neoconservatism (RINOism) are all rooted from the powers that be. I share Alex Jones with the world. If you're not sharing Project Veritas, if you're not trying to stop child trafficking, rape, murder, you're missing out on history.

If you're not comparing the fall of Europe and America with the fall of Rome, you're missing out on opportunities in helping people see patterns in history and how humans can defy fate itself.

Hah....Rome didn't fall my friend. You're not even close to entering the rabbit hole yet...Keep going though, you'll get there eventually.

Here's a cool story though, bro:

Nice video.

True, you're right, Rome is still around in the form of Catholicism and yet the republic of Rome did fall.