The future is NOT FRIENDLY - Cybernetics and the Decades-Old Military Mind Control Agenda

Cybernetics is about as likely to "augments" your mental performance as Facebook is likely to protect your information privacy rights. Empty promises and pipedreams are promoting the wonders of 24/7 connection to the internet, direct from your brain, even as social media platforms, credit card companies and blog sites are deplatforming folks for having points of view and behaviors that are 'undesirable'.

If anyone took the time to watch the Senate Intelligence Committee hearings, featuring Jack Dorsey from Twitter, you would have heard him talking about his social programming goals. And you would have seen senators and congressmen quite comfortable with the notion of a social platform owner, without training in psychology or education, talking about behavioral modification like it was nobody's business but his!

Is NO ONE just a little worried about that? Will he be in charge of eugenics next? Oh, but it isn't just Dorsey, the MSM also feels it is their job to tell viewers what to think. And we all know that teachers, at all levels, are corrupting the minds and morals of children in their care.

With the framework of malevolence, negligence and incompetence established for the gatekeepers of social engineering in the fields of academia, politics and media, when we examine the promises and potential pitfalls of cybernetics, we all ought be very, very SUSPICIOUS.

There's a name circulating in the undercurrent of US military conspiracy that everyone should know about - Hendricus G. Loos. The name might be an alias and the man might have passed on by now, but his patents are immortalized online and in the custody of the US DOD.

Since 1997, Hendricus G. Loos has been filing patents for such things as "Method and apparatus for manipulating nervous systems", "Manipulation of nervous systems by electric fields", "Method and apparatus for associative memory", "Subliminal acoustic manipulation of nervous systems" and so on. You might be wondering, "How and when would such inventions be use and on whom?!" The answer is the DEFENSE TECHNICAL INFORMATION CENTER of the DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE, USA. Hendricus G. Loos is the founder of Laguna Research Lab, that has won contract with the Navy and DARPA.

Hendricus G. Loos' patent listings

Here's a screenshot of search results showing the association between Hendricus G. Loos, Laguna Research Lab and the DTIC on the US Military website.

The links are all dead and the site is no longer accessible, but we can always take a trip back in time with the WayBack Machine to retrieve archival records of the whole site.

DTIC is a component of the DoD Scientific and Technical Information Program (STIP) within the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology, Defense Research and Engineering. DTIC's headquarters facility is located at the Headquarters Complex on Ft. Belvoir, VA; regional offices are located in Boston, MA; Dayton, OH; Albuquerque, NM; and Los Angeles, CA.

SBIR Federal Research Grants Awarded to Hendricus G Loos / Laguna Research Lab for Navy & DARPA

Adaptive Stochastic Content-addressable Memory - Awarded $524K

Laguna Research Laboratory Award Charts & Listing

At least as far back as the 1990s the US DOD has been acquiring the technology for MIND CONTROL. Like Google's AI surveillance and censorship programs, and the push to have Alexa in every home and dorm across America, with Assange and WikiLeaks exposing Vault 7, Snoden laying bare the NSA and the discoveries made by Citizen Journalists and Constitutional Advocates, like Tom Fitton, Judicial Watch and Headlines with a Voice exposing government, media, political, corporate and religious criminality, there's absolutely no good reason to think that cybernetics would be implemented for the GOOD of humans and humanity.

Maybe 20 years ago only Conspiracy Theorists dared dwell on the possibility that the government wants to hack your body and brain with technology, but today, with all that we see in this insane world those 'crackpot' ideas aren't just possible, they are PROBABLE.

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Facebook was designed to make people depressed and much worse than just that and they admit to all of that and other tech giants are involved in a lot of stuff like Agenda 21, AKA 2030.

@joeyarnoldvn Yep. All these platforms keep our hands and minds busy, so we're not watching the world around us. That's what the entertainment industries are for too. Busy, busy, busy! No time for much else when you're blogging and checking your FB page.

Would you rather people go on Facebook or decentralized platforms instead? The third option would be that people were offline, watching the world around us, like you said. But that is theoretical. A lot of people may not always watch the world around us. So, they go to places like Facebook. Why not try to help them find alternatives to Facebook?