Victorian Police State: Elderly Australian man schools a dozen ignorant police about how they are infringing on his rights (video)

Victorian Police State: Elderly Australian man schools a dozen ignorant police about how they are infringing on his rights (video)

Go to the following link The Victorian Police State And Human Rights Abuse and click on the first video link to watch a brave elderly Australian man and Victoria resident confront over a dozen ignorant police officers trying to arrest him over the illegally imposed Covid-19 restrictions.


He remains rather calm and gives it straight to these parasites of the corporate communist state of Victoria.

We need more brave souls like this. God bless him.

Must watch.

In Peace & Liberty,



He did very good under the circumstances 👍

Indeed. Cool as a cucumber.

Sadly he's not free to be there in this police state we're in. The new health laws trump everything. Freedom of assembly isn't preserved under the current law. he may as well piss up against a tree - no one's getting anywhere arguing with the police to be honest. It's not right, and we feel angry about it, but the Health Act trumps our freedoms. Feel so sorry for Melbourne peeps. So glad I'm in regional Vic.

Actually what the police here are doing is unlawful, though not illegal.

They can make as many layers of statute law as they like over common law and the constitutional - but it does not make it lawful.

Many cases have ended up in court where police have been ignorant of this fact and the cases have been thrown out of court but you must be determined to stand your ground right to the very end.

To someone well versed in the ability to stand up for their rights and fight for them in court - they can keep their rights regardless of the 'new health laws'.

But not without a fight (a level-headed one, if you don't wish to be arrested).

The current laws have put police on a control drug believing they can take the law into their own hands. They truly believe these new laws are lawful yet have no clue that what they are doing is unlawful. (Not that the police needed this incentive to take the law into their own hands. As an activist, I've seen it so many times and I've seen cases taken to court where the police have got sued, and cases thrown out).

If people don't realise what they are consenting to by not practicing civil disobedience in this time they go along with the charade of unlawful laws, no one will ever experience rights like they have ever again.

By tacitly consenting to this unlawful charade we say to the state - we allow you to do whatever you like with us... and will consent to any further restrictions.

It takes guts to do this sort of thing. Good on you John!

If he was much younger and they weren't treating him like a mental patient - he would likely have been tossed around a bit and/or intimidated even without any reactions to initiate hostility.

Like this guy, taking his bin out after 'curfew' -

Well stated my friend. Now following you.

We are all born free. the French word is libre which is close to the English word liberty.

We are also born with something called freewill that can never be taken away from us (even if we get thrown in jail or a prison). I explain what is meant by freewill in the 'About us' section of my Liberty Academy should you wish to read.

God generously gave each and every one of us freewill which is an integral/inseparable part of our soul - it is indestructible and eternal.

Never forget that.


UPDATE (2020-09-16):

An excellent piece/article analyzing the tyranny down under - Tyranny Down Under: From Blue Shirts To Brown (alternate link)

The article includes a reference to a very well written and fact-stating OPEN LETTER BY AUSTRALIAN DOCTORS to Victoria Premier Daniel Andrews


The face of a useful puppet tyrant coward - Victoria Premier Daniel Andrews, image source