Wake Up Australia (Part 2) - Message that should be heard by everyone!


This is a must watch video about what is really taking place in Victoria, Australia and other parts of that country (and to some extent in many other countries).

This video (below) is more of a calm message by a level-headed Australian who is trying to wake is fellow countrymen & countrywoman up, as they are proving to be way to submissive in the face of tyranny and what a virus that is taking not eve 0.03% of the population. Pure madness. Must watch.

The author of the video also states that Victoria's Premier Daniel Andrews intends to force inject every single citizen of Victoria with a Covid RNA vaccine, but I haven't been able to find a video to corroborate this. It certainly wouldn't surprise me, given his cozy relationship with the Gates.

This does also seem to be happening to some extent in Canada.

People do need to wake up.

Oh, and in Victoria, here is what happens when you don't wear your mask:

(related links here, here, here).

Please re-blog, re-post on your social media, as we do need to help our fellow ozzies and also the rest of humanity to WAKE UP.

Together, we can easily stand against and defeat this globalist tyranny.

God Bless,

In Peace & Liberty,



Wake up to what's going on people.

If you don't know about the lizards and chipheads then you still have a lot of waking up to do.

UPDATE (2020-09-16):

An excellent piece/article analyzing the tyranny down under - Tyranny Down Under: From Blue Shirts To Brown (alternate link)

The article includes a reference to a very well written and fact-stating OPEN LETTER BY AUSTRALIAN DOCTORS to Victoria Premier Daniel Andrews


The face of a useful puppet tyrant coward, image source