
Okay... How do I review Them, and then what after I have done so?

here's an easy option

scroll to the bottom of the list and add logiczombie as your proxy


I put You in the wrong slot - I added You as a "vote" that gave Me the spinny wheel. It's still spinning, but I then added You to "set proxy" and got this:

"RPCError: missing required active authority:Missing Active Authority amaterasusolar"

I'm very unsavvy on all this mess.

Okay, I added You, but there's a spinny wheel going next to Your name...and it's been spinning a few minutes. Not sure what that means...

looks like it worked, thank you for your confidence


Ah, glad it did! I played with it and it looked like it did. So... What does that mean that I have proxyed You? LOLOL!

it means your witness votes will support advocates for free-thinking and free-speech

Um... I have never "witness voted" - that I know of... LOL! I really don't grasp this witness stuff at all.